History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: Writing Prompts for Non-Fiction Turned to Fiction

Image by Ingrid from Pixabay

Sometimes, even non-fiction writing prompts can be a good source of inspiration if you look at them from a fictional lens.

For example, the writing prompts offered here are meant to be more of journaling exercises. But you could also use them to stretch your fiction writing skills by writing them from the perspective of one of your characters, or several of your characters if you’re working on developing some new characters. You could also come up with the most untrue answer you could give one of these questions. For example, for the one asking about what you’re wearing on your feet right now, regardless of the truth, you could design fantastical shoes or boots strictly through description.

These prompts might not be the sort that net you a story or poem, but they can be good and useful exercises for writing!


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