History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: January Writing Prompts

| December 29, 2017

Starting today, I’m going to be creating my own writing prompt lists for each month! Here’s the first for 2018–January Writing Prompts! This month, I’ve got things about the new year, winter, social justice and government, and words that can be made from the word “January”. But you can take these prompts in whatever direction […]

Holiday Reading: Heroes of Necessity

| December 28, 2017

Back when I worked at a university, I had the whole week between Christmas and New Years off from work. I don’t have that perk anymore, but I know a lot of people who take time between the holidays to relax. If you’ve got a lot of time and are looking for something to read, […]

Now Available: Mad Scientist Journal Winter 2018

| December 27, 2017

Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2018 is now available, featuring stories of mad science, advise, classified ads, and a gossip column! Cooking advice, previously undiscovered species, and tortured artists. These are but some of the strange tales to be found in this book. Mad Scientist Journal: Winter 2017 collects thirteen tales from the fictional worlds of mad […]

Holiday Reading: Cross and Circle

| December 26, 2017

If the weather outside is making you want to curl up under a blanket and read, might I recommend my novelette Cross and Circle? It’s a contemporary fantasy story set around the winter holidays, making it a good, short, post-Christmas read. Here’s the summary: Evie and Carlotta are expecting the imminent arrival of their first child when […]

Gifts for Writers: Do Not Disturb Sign

| December 25, 2017

Sometimes, more than anything else, writers just need to write undisturbed. This is definitely the case for me. I have giant noise-cancelling headphones that I love, and those are my subtle “do not disturb” sign. But then there are times when that’s not an option. At work, I have to listen for the phones, so […]

Fun for Friday: Rethinking the Real World

| December 22, 2017

I’ve had a project keeping me busy at work recently that involves searching through abstracts for papers that were given at a conference over the past 70 years. It’s been fascinating to me as a historian in seeing what trends and themes appeared throughout the years, but it’s also intrigued my writer brain, because I […]

Cover Reveal: Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse

| December 21, 2017

The latest book I’ve been working on is a weird, experimental piece using the major arcana of the tarot deck as its outline, so to speak. I wrote the pieces of it during the Write Like You’re Alive challenge in August this year, and then decided that it was worth prodding into the shape of […]

Bonus kittens!

| December 20, 2017

I haven’t been getting much reading done recently, because last Tuesday, we picked up the newest members of our household. Meet Stormageddon “Stormy” Quatro Vogel-Zimmerman (the black cat in the front) and Fognarok “Foggy” (His Highness, Prince Floof) Dos Vogel-Zimmerman (the gray tabby in the back). Their first names are their formal names, while the […]

Thinking about Steampunk

| December 19, 2017

At Anglicon a couple of weekends ago, I took part in a panel on steampunk with Jeffrey Cook and Andy Wolf. One of the things that we discussed during the course of it was on a scale of H. G. Wells to Jules Verne, where does your steampunk fall? (The abbreviated explanation on that scale […]

Gifts for Writers: Planning Books!

| December 18, 2017

Writers often have a lot of projects to keep track of. And while there are a lot of different ways to keep track of those projects, I’ve recently become a big fan of paper planners. (Though I still keep My Giant Spreadsheet of Doom too.) With my paper planner, I can keep notes on the […]