History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“Leaders and Followers” in Wreathed in Steam

| August 31, 2023

“Leaders and Followers” is a story I wrote in an attempt to conceal information about the first-person narrator. I can’t say too much more about that goal without giving away the twist in the story, but it’s a fairly short, cozy, fantasy story, and I was pleased at how it turned out. “Leaders and Followers” […]

“Undecided” from Droplets from the Universe

| August 29, 2023

The story “Undecided” was my attempt to write a sci-fi story that used a so-called “soft” science, cultural anthropology, to solve a problem. The story has a lot of other sci-fi tropes–aliens and hard science among them–but the actual crux point is somewhat unexpected. I also adore the characters I wrote for this story–two extremely […]

“Five Days After” in The Sidewalk Diverges

| August 22, 2023

My story “Five Days After” is one of the many stories that I first had the idea for while riding the bus in Seattle. Bus commuting is normally fairly quiet and boring. Many of the people on the bus are just trying to get to and from their day jobs. But sometimes you overhear interesting […]

Review of “A Still Life” by Elliot Wink

| February 15, 2023

Today is a different kind of review than I normally post here! I was invited to take a sneak peek at Elliot Wink’s short story, “A Still Life,” which will appear in Apex Book Company’s Robotic Ambitions anthology, the Kickstarter for which launches on February 21st. Robotic Ambitions will feature stories looking at mechanical sentience, and […]

January 2023 Publications

| February 9, 2023

I had two new pieces out in January 2023, a poem and a short story. The poem was “Embrace,” published in Star*Line. This is a short poem in what seems to be a very unofficial form, in which the first words for eight of the lines are pulled from the eight-word middle line. The poem name […]

“Goblin Economics” in Conceits of Whim and Fancy

| December 22, 2022

Sometimes, my stories come from a character voice that gets stuck in my head and won’t leave me alone until I tell their story. This is how “Goblin Economics” came about. Grom, the narrator of the story, popped into my head without much of a story, other than that he was a very clever goblin. […]

Post-Apocalyptic Reads

| October 13, 2022

I have two post-apocalyptic novellas: Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse and Barren. The former is a much more recent apocalypse, one that hits just before the book begins. The latter is an apocalypse that hit within the main character’s lifetime, but she’s lived in a post-apocalyptic world for longer than she spent in the pre-apocalyptic world. If […]

Sci-Fi Stories and Collections!

| September 22, 2022

If you’re a sci-fi fan, I’ve got a sci-fi collection that might appeal to you! New Moons Under Which to Sleep contains previously published sci-fi short stories, flash fiction pieces, and a couple of poems, plus a couple of pieces that were new to the collection. My other recent sci-fi publications are: “Slime, or Primordial […]

August (and late July) 2022 Publications!

| September 8, 2022

I had one story released at the very end of July, but I didn’t realize it was out until my copy of the magazine arrived! “The Price” appeared in the July 2022 issue of New Maps. This is a short flash story involving a bargain and its price. My story out in August is “Memento […]

New Pieces Out in July 2022

| August 4, 2022

I had two new sci-fi pieces out in July, one poem and one short story! My poem, “The Way Forward is a Maze,” appeared in the Veterans of Alien Wars issue of Eye to the Telescope. I wrote this poem for this call for submissions, and it turned out well. The poem is about how […]