April 2024 Recap

One of these Pops is not in the original box. Can you spot it?
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 91
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 67
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 62
New Submissions: 9
Stories out at the end of the month: 93
April was a pretty good month in terms of submissions, with a couple more out at the end of the month compared with the beginning. I had nine new pieces complete and out on submissions (six poems from March and three flash fiction pieces), and I had two short stories accepted for an anthology!
Also in April, I finished the first draft of atoll, started writing recluse, revised my poems from March, wrote three new flash fiction pieces, edited and proofread my non-fiction project, edited and did the layout for a DCO novel, did four craft book exercises, and reviewed a book. I also started editing a collection of short stories for DCO.
In May, I need to:
- Finish drafting recluse
- Revise atoll
- Start writing sisters
- Write three flash fiction pieces
- Start revising Sure Shot 2
- Finish editing the DCO collection and edit two novellas
- Get my non-fiction book laid out and the cover made
- Do four craft book exercises
- Review two books
Looks pretty managable!