History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

My Latest Urban Fantasy Pieces

I’ve had a number of new and reprinted urban fantasy pieces come out since my last post on the subject. Here’s where you can find them!

“Hashtag TPE,” which originally appeared in It Came from Miskatonic University, was reprinted in LOLCraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor. This is an entertaining look at a college campus tour when that college is Miskatonic University.

My story “Best of Both Worlds” appeared in Dangerous Waters, an anthology of stories about things in the water that want you dead, which are some of my favorite stories. “Best of Both Worlds” is a selkie story with a modern twist.

I also released a new collection, The Sidewalk Diverges, which collects many of my previously published urban and contemporary fantasy pieces, including short stories, flash fiction, and poetry. It also has a chunk of newly published pieces, and it’s available in ebook or print!

And of course, I have my other urban fantasy books and collections:


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