History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of Be the Sea by Clara Ward

| January 31, 2024

Clara Ward’s Be the Sea (Atthis Arts, 2024) is an amazing sci-fi novel filled with found family, lost friends found again, stories, and dreams. Set in a world where climate change has occurred but been mitigated in places, it has a fairly cozy storyline and an eclectic cast of queer and disabled characters. Wend, a marine […]

“Kleptoparasitism” in Dead-Starred Futures

| January 30, 2024

While “Kleptoparasitism” isn’t the darkest of stories in Dead-Starred Futures, it is set in a potential dystopian future in which insects are a widespread protein source. It’s a microfiction story about how a visit to a location where insects are processed might go awry. If you like the idea of this story, check out Dead-Starred Futures […]

“Gratitude” in Droplets from the Universe

| January 16, 2024

Sometimes, you come up with a truly ridiculous concept for a story and then run with it. I don’t remember why I decided velociraptors could be genetically engineered to be sanitation engineers, but I decided to do it and play it like this was just a normal thing. Nothing weird about it at all. Then […]

Fun for Friday: Sci-Fi Writing Prompts for the FUTURE!

| January 5, 2024

If you want to kick off the new year looking toward the future, here are 101 Epic Sci-Fi Story Prompts from screencraft! There are a variety of ideas that could lead to stories set in space or on Earth, depending on which direction you’d like to take it!  

“Good to the Last Drop” in Dead-Starred Futures

| December 28, 2023

“Good to the Last Drop” is a dark sci-fi flash fiction piece that involved research into hydroponics and growing coffee, along with some other searches to pull together the plot. I can’t say much more about that research without giving it away, but suffice it to say that some people will do ANYTHING for their […]

My Recent(-ish) Sci-Fi Stories and Collections!

| December 19, 2023

It’s been quite a while since I did a sci-fi roundup of things I’ve published. So here goes! My poem, “Portrait Day at Zapus Zone 9 Academy,” which imagines a school attended by multiple alien species, appeared in Star*Line in October 2022. My flash fiction piece, “Senchado in Microgravity,” was podcast at Manawaker Studios Flash […]

“Corporate Career Counseling Construct” in Droplets from the Universe!

| December 14, 2023

“Corporate Career Counseling Construct” began as me goofing around with the idea of a sci-fi themed tarot deck and someone turning it into a program for employees of a corporation to use for career counseling. As might be expected, the construct tries to give useful advice, but … it’s a little overly enthusiastic, shall we […]

“Vantablack” in Dead-Starred Futures

| November 21, 2023

My flash fiction piece “Vantablack” was, unsurprisingly, inspired by the ridiculous but entertaining artist’s feud over the blackest black. In this story, I combined that with a newly discovered unusual planet and the weird trend of crowd-sourcing names for things. It’s a shock “Planet McPlanety-Face” didn’t win. (I considered it. But I liked my original […]

Review of Robotic Ambitions

| November 15, 2023

I reviewed one of the stories from Robotic Ambitions, edited by Lesley Conner and Jason Sizemore (Apex Book Company, 2023), prior to the Kickstarter for the project. Now I’m back with a review of the whole anthology, filled with stories of mechanical sentience. In addition to Elliot Wink’s “A Still Life,” this anthology collected many […]

WriteHive Panel: Believable Technology in Fiction

| November 13, 2023

One of the panels I watched from the WriteHive online conference was Believable Technology in Fiction. It was a great panel about how to make technology work in your fiction, most often but not always science fiction. The panelists started by talking about technology on the whole, defining it as something that solves a problem […]