History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of A Spoonful of Malaysian Magic

| November 22, 2023

A Spoonful of Malaysian Magic, edited by Anna Tan (Teaspoon Publishing, 2023), is a delightful anthology of short stories by Malaysian authors and featuring the legends and tales of Malaysia as elements of those stories. A handful of the stories are also themed around cooking and food, and others around family, though not all share […]

Review of Robotic Ambitions

| November 15, 2023

I reviewed one of the stories from Robotic Ambitions, edited by Lesley Conner and Jason Sizemore (Apex Book Company, 2023), prior to the Kickstarter for the project. Now I’m back with a review of the whole anthology, filled with stories of mechanical sentience. In addition to Elliot Wink’s “A Still Life,” this anthology collected many […]

Review of Mothersound: The Sauútiverse Anthology

| November 1, 2023

Mothersound: The Sauútiverse Anthology, edited by Wole Talabi (Android Press, forthcoming), is a collection of science-fantasy, shared-world/universe stories set in a universe created by African and African diaspora writers reflecting a combination of worldviews from throughout the African continent. The setting is also described as “Black Panther meets Wild Cards with all the rich spacefaring worldbuilding of Dune.” This […]

My August 2023 Publications

| September 7, 2023

I had a couple of new things out in August this year! The first is that my flash fiction story, “The Truth of Their Tunes,” was reprinted in The Little Cozy Book from Wyngraf, who originally published this story on their website. Now it’s collected with other cozy fantasy stories! The second is my dystopian sci-fi […]

My Latest Urban Fantasy Pieces

| July 13, 2023

I’ve had a number of new and reprinted urban fantasy pieces come out since my last post on the subject. Here’s where you can find them! “Hashtag TPE,” which originally appeared in It Came from Miskatonic University, was reprinted in LOLCraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor. This is an entertaining look at a college campus tour when […]

Wreathed in Steam Out Today!

| June 13, 2023

My latest collection, Wreathed in Steam, is out today! Clockworks, airships, and more! Wreathed in Steam contains stories and poetry in the steampunk and gaslamp fantasy realms, with clever mechanisms and daring characters. Be astonished and amazed by heroics, fast thinking, and innovation! You can get Wreathed in Steam as an ebook from your favorite online retailer!

Review of A People’s Guide to Publishing by Joe Biel

| March 29, 2023

I recently got a big stack of writing craft and books through a Microcosm Publishing Kickstarter, so I’ve decided to work through several of them for reviewing on my blog. A People’s Guide to Publishing by Joe Biel is a fantastic book for anyone serious about creating and sustaining a publishing business. The focus is […]

Like My Writing? Support Me on Patreon!

| February 7, 2023

If you like my writing, have you considered supporting me on Patreon? I’m almost to the goal where I’ll make a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer piece! In addition to getting video readings, my Patreon is a great way to support me and learn about […]

My Historical Fiction Publications, New, Old, and Coming This Year!

| January 24, 2023

I’ve got one recent historical fiction publication out recently. My story “Memento Mori” appeared in Queer Weird West Tales and tells a potential story about a weird bit of trivia related to Calamity Jane! I’ve published a lot of my fantastical history stories in Unfixed Timelines and Unfixed Timelines 2. Later this year, I plan to publish the third […]

Cover Reveal for The Sidewalk Diverges

| January 17, 2023

My next collection will be out February 14, so it’s time to show off the cover! It’s a simple one, based on some manipulation of one of my photos, but I think it works for this collection! In The Sidewalk Diverges, stories about magic sit alongside stories about superpowers, while ghosts, angels, and fae intermingle. These […]