History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Volatile Figments: Darkness, Light, and Muses?

| May 28, 2019

One of the stories in Volatile Figments, “Terpsichore,” started out when I realized how creepy a dance studio looks when it’s dark and there’s only a small source of light reflecting off the mirrors. From there, it spun into a ritual performed in a dance studio, and the creepy aftermath. At only 928 words, “Terpsichore” is […]

“Safe Haven” Now Out!

| May 7, 2019

Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove released today, and I’ve got a flash fiction piece, “Safe Haven,” included in this anthology. The premise for the anthology was that your story had to take place during a specific five minutes in the history of this unusual hotel, which has been around for as long as anyone can […]

“Brick-Red Love” out now!

| April 16, 2019

My flash fiction piece, “Brick-Red Love” went live on The Arcanist on April 12th. You can check it out here! This was one of my Drawlloween stories, based on a prompt of “bride.” In the context of Drawlloween, I’m sure it was meant to be Bride of Frankenstein, but I took a lot of my […]

Upcoming Story Releases!

| April 4, 2019

I’ve got four stories coming out in April and May, three of which are in anthologies, and the fourth of which (which actually comes out first) is a quick read! On April 12, you’ll be able to read my story, “Brick-Red Love,” at The Arcanist. This is one of the stories I wrote during Drawlloween (using […]

New Story Out: Coffin Coffee Table

| March 14, 2019

I’ve got a new story live as of yesterday! “Coffin Coffee Table” is now available at The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. It’s a tiny piece of flash that started out based on actual plans once upon a time to build a coffin-shaped coffee table. But as I wrote it, it turned into a piece about […]

Upcoming Stories

| January 22, 2019

I’ve already had a couple of short story sales in 2019, which is fantastic news! My flash fiction piece, “Brick-Red Love,” will be published in The Arcanist in April. This was one of my Drawlloween pieces that I’ve finished, and I’m happy to find it a home. The other story I’ve sold is “Earworm,” which will […]

2019 Goals

| January 7, 2019

2019 is already off to a roaring start, but I’m just now posting my goals for the year. Like last year, they’re largely numbers driven. 43 completed stories/poems and 34 others at least started This seems like a HUGE number of stories, but it’s definitely viable. There are three contests I take part in that […]

Fun for Friday: Flash Fiction Prompts

| January 4, 2019

I’ve been writing a lot of flash fiction in the past year, so I’m always excited to find flash fiction prompts. Here’s a list of 50 flash fiction prompts in a variety of genres. For an extra challenge, see if you can take one of these prompts and change the genre!

November 2018 recap

| December 4, 2018

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 32 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 28 Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 30 New Submissions: 12 Stories out at the end of the month: 46 November was a busy month for submissions, as I finished up a bunch of my Drawlloween pieces (10 stories and […]

My 2018 Publications

| November 20, 2018

With the proliferation of awards posts popping up across the internet, I went back and looked over what I’ve had published this year and what I’ve written this year, because I started feeling like I hadn’t done much. Turns out (go figure), my brain is a filthy liar. Sales and Publications: I’ve sold 11 pieces […]