History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of Parallel Worlds by Addison Smith

| June 28, 2023

Addison Smith’s Parallel Worlds: Science Fiction and Fantasy (2023) is a collection of science fiction and fantasy short stories, flash fiction, and drabbles. Though some common themes emerge amongst the stories, there’s also a great amount of variety, ensuring that most readers will find stories they thoroughly enjoy within this collection. Of the stories included […]

New Publications in March 2023

| April 6, 2023

I had four new pieces out in March this year! My sijo (Korean poetry form) “Diamond Snow” came out in the eighth issue of Frozen Wavelets at the beginning of the month. It’s a sort of dark sci-fi, very brief piece. On the opposite side of things from my other publications this past month, Wyngraf published […]

Kickstarter Recommendation: Shacklebound Books

| January 25, 2023

If you like reading flash fiction and drabbles, check out the Kickstarter for the second year of Shacklebound Books! They publish loads of drabble and flash fiction anthologies, plus a drabble magazine, Martian: The Magazine of Science Fiction Drabbles. They’ve published a few of my pieces in their first year, and I’m excited to see […]

Sci-Fi Stories and Collections!

| September 22, 2022

If you’re a sci-fi fan, I’ve got a sci-fi collection that might appeal to you! New Moons Under Which to Sleep contains previously published sci-fi short stories, flash fiction pieces, and a couple of poems, plus a couple of pieces that were new to the collection. My other recent sci-fi publications are: “Slime, or Primordial […]

Writing Small

| May 16, 2022

I moderated a panel on “Writing Small” at Flights of Foundry, during which we talked a lot about flash fiction and other stories told in very small word counts. I was on a similar panel four years ago, since which time I’ve written and sold a lot more flash fiction and gotten a better grasp […]

March 2022 Publications

| April 7, 2022

I’ve had a bunch of publications in March, and all of them are smaller pieces! “The Fall of Ocrone” was published in Martian last year, but recently, the Superfast Stories YouTube Channel produced an audio and video version of my story! It’s a quick sci-fi listen/watch (it’s only 100 words), and I love how it […]

Sci-Fi Reads

| January 27, 2022

If you’re a sci-fi fan, I’ve got one sci-fi collection that might appeal to you! New Moons Under Which to Sleep contains mainly previously published sci-fi short stories, flash fiction pieces, and a couple of poems, plus a couple of poems that were new to the collection. I’ve had a bunch of other very short […]

New Stories out in August 2021

| September 7, 2021

I had three new stories out in August this year! The first is “Gratitude,” in Silver Blade. This is my tribute to “Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should” from Jurassic Park. In this case? Velociraptor street cleaners trying to learn about emotions. It’s […]