History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Stephen Fry on Form, Part 5

| March 13, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post covers Chapter 3, Section 5, on the ode. This section covers several different formats of odes, including Sapphic, Pindaric, Horatian, lyric, and anacreontic. The ongoing theme in this […]

No February Publications? How About Spring Reads?

| March 9, 2023

My only February 2023 publication wound up being The Sidewalk Diverges, due to delays in production schedules. I will have some new publications in March, but for the time being, how about some spring-themed reads? You can find a couple of those in The Sidewalk Diverges, specifically “Fiddle in the Middle” and “Five Days After,” both […]

Review of City of the Saints by D. J. Butler

| March 8, 2023

City of the Saints by D. J. Butler (WordFire Press, 2015) is a alternate history steampunk tale of a technologically advanced United States on the eve of the Civil War. With characters including Samuel Clemens, Edgar Allan Poe, Richard Burton, and Brigham Young (and many of his Mormon associates), it’s a wild, multi-point of view […]

Review of The Goddess of Nothing at All by Cat Rector

| March 1, 2023

The Goddess of Nothing at All by Cat Rector (Tychis Media, 2021) is an amazing retelling of Norse mythology, focused on Loki’s wife, Sigyn, and the events leading up to Ragnarok (and beyond). Even though it is based on existing tales, this novel covers new ground by making the point of view character a lesser-known […]

“Daddy’s Little Girl” in Sparx and Arrows

| February 28, 2023

“Daddy’s Little Girl” was one of the first stories I wrote, and one of the earliest stories I published. After being invited to write in the Cobalt City Universe, I carved out a little corner that would let me write a story set in history and with a female hero. Eleanor Castile was that character, […]

Review of Solid-State Shuffle by Jeffrey A. Ballard

| February 22, 2023

Solid-State Shuffle by Jeffrey A. Ballard (New Rochester Publishing, 2006) is a action-packed, high-stakes heist novel set in a post-ocean rise Seattle. With a fun cast of main characters and hints at an intriguing backstory, the prose will carry you along through the book. Isa and her team, consisting of her brother-from-another-mother Puo and her […]

Recent Fantasy Publications

| February 21, 2023

If you’re looking for a fantasy story or poem to read, here are a few of my recent fantasy publications, along with some of my collections! My flash fiction piece, “Patience,” appeared in Wyldblood Magazine in October of last year. It’s a brief piece about working to get what you want, but not being impatient about […]

Stephen Fry on Form, Part 4

| February 20, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post covers Chapter 3, Section 4, on heroic verse. Heroic verse, which is iambic pentameters in rhymed couplets, is an older form that goes back to Chaucer, but has […]

“Princess Last Picked” in Conceits of Whim and Fancy

| February 16, 2023

A few of the stories in Conceits of Whim and Fancy feature younger protagonists, and “Princess Last Picked” is one of them. This was a story inspired by the idea of presenting an unlikely character to save the members of her community when their greatest strength (literally) was used against them. I was utterly thrilled with […]

The Sidewalk Diverges Out Now!

| February 14, 2023

Today’s the release day for The Sidewalk Diverges! If you like contemporary fantasy with a bit of humor, some familial love, and more, check out this collection! It’s sixteen stories of varying lengths and nineteen poems! In The Sidewalk Diverges, stories about magic sit alongside stories about superpowers, while ghosts, angels, and fae intermingle. These contemporary fantasy […]