History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“Wishes without a Birthday Cake” in The Sidewalk Diverges

| May 23, 2023

I started writing “Wishes without a Birthday Cake” in a writing workshop with K. Tempest Bradford that involved her asking a question to begin the story, followed by additional questions to shape the story as we wrote. While the end result of that exercise needed some editing after all of the free-writing, it turned into […]

Some Post-Apocalyptic Tales

| May 18, 2023

I have two post-apocalyptic novellas: Barren and Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse. The former is an apocalypse that hit within the main character’s lifetime, but as an older protagonist, she’s lived in a post-apocalyptic world for longer than she spent in the pre-apocalyptic world. The latter is an immediately recent apocalypse, one that hits just […]

Have You Checked Out Droplets from the Universe

| May 11, 2023

Have you checked out my latest collection yet? Droplets from the Universe is chock full of joyful and humorous science fiction stories and poetry. There’s still conflict, tension, and peril, but in the end, the characters see the rainbow beyond the clouds, in a manner of speaking. Droplets from the Universe contains short stories, flash fiction, and […]

Stephen Fry on Form, Part 7

| May 8, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post covers Chapter 3, Section 7, on more closed forms. An alternate name for this section of the chapter on form could easily have been “closed forms that make […]

Spring-Themed Publications!

| May 4, 2023

I didn’t have any new stories out in April this year, so let’s do a round-up of some of my spring-themed publications instead! “Fiddle in the Middle,” which originally appeared in MYTHIC Magazine, is set in spring in Seattle. It’s the story of two sisters working through their differences to get along and stop the people […]

Superhero and World War II Veteran Sarah Castile in Sure Shot in Las Capas

| April 27, 2023

“When you’re washing the dinner dishes, you’re not expecting an explosion. Unless you’re me, in which case you’re more surprised to discover said explosion wasn’t directed at you.” Sarah Castile, part of the Cobalt City Castile family that takes up the mantle of The Huntsman, is a superhero mostly by dint of having gotten out […]

“There Is No I in Heavenly Host” in The Sidewalk Diverges

| April 25, 2023

“There Is No I in Heavenly Host” was 100 percent written on a quasi-dare. The editors for a special speculative fiction issue of Friends Journal mentioned wanting to see a story in which a biblically accurate angel dealt with having their name misspelled on their coffee order. So I wrote it. And they loved it. This […]

“Unconventional Soulmates” in Conceits of Whim and Fancy

| April 20, 2023

My story “Unconventional Soulmates” came directly from the idea of “what if someone used magic to locate their soulmate, but the soulmate the magic found wasn’t at all who they were expecting?” In this story, which flips back and forth from the POV of the seeker and the found, I also explore how soulmates from […]

Review of The Strange Garden and Other Weird Tales by Alex Kingsley

| April 19, 2023

The Strange Garden and Other Weird Tales by Alex Kingsley (2023) is dark and hilarious in equal parts, weaving seamlessly between the two, sometimes even in the same story. A number of the stories are previously published, but the collection also includes some new stories as well. As with many collections, I enjoyed the majority […]

Droplets from the Universe Out Today!

| April 18, 2023

My latest collection, Droplets from the Universe, is out today! This is a collection of joyful and humorous science fiction stories and poetry. Droplets from the Universe contains short stories, flash fiction, and poetry from the vastness of the universe. Dance amongst these droplets of joyful and humorous science fiction. Not every story starts happy, but […]