History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Stephen Fry on Diction and Poetics Today

| September 25, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post (the final one!) covers Chapter 4 on Diction and Poetics Today. Most of this chapter is Stephen Fry talking about how poetry has moved him and some of […]

Have You Checked Out Dead-Starred Futures?

| September 21, 2023

Have you had a chance to check out Dead-Starred Futures yet? It’s filled with very short stories and poems, all along the theme of dystopian sci-fi. The stories are generally dark, though there’s occasional humor interspersed with the darkness. Dead-Starred Futures is available in ebook only, wherever you like to buy ebooks!

Books for Kids

| September 19, 2023

I’ve got several books for kids, including steampunk and fantasy! The Trouble with the Tick-Tock Tabby is a middle grade book featuring girl detectives Chrysanthemum and Marigold Marsh. The setting is a steampunk Victorian era. The characters are 9 and 12 years old, which skews toward the younger end of middle grade, but the reading level […]

Unfixed Timelines 3 and Omnibus Available for Pre-Order!

| September 12, 2023

On October 17, I’ll have two new books out! Unfixed Timelines 3 is the third in my series of alternate/fantastical history stories accompanied by essays about the history that each story alters. A Wild West icon meets her match, a budding scientist tests a theory in a dust storm, fashion turns deadly, a daughter learns the […]

My August 2023 Publications

| September 7, 2023

I had a couple of new things out in August this year! The first is that my flash fiction story, “The Truth of Their Tunes,” was reprinted in The Little Cozy Book from Wyngraf, who originally published this story on their website. Now it’s collected with other cozy fantasy stories! The second is my dystopian sci-fi […]

Review of The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

| September 6, 2023

Unlike most of the books I review, The Devil in the White City (Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2004) is a work of non-fiction. However, Erik Larson certainly weaves a narrative worthy of a fictional book. Intertwining the stories of the Chicago World’s Fair with that of serial killer H. H. Holmes, the story makes stops in […]

“Leaders and Followers” in Wreathed in Steam

| August 31, 2023

“Leaders and Followers” is a story I wrote in an attempt to conceal information about the first-person narrator. I can’t say too much more about that goal without giving away the twist in the story, but it’s a fairly short, cozy, fantasy story, and I was pleased at how it turned out. “Leaders and Followers” […]

“Undecided” from Droplets from the Universe

| August 29, 2023

The story “Undecided” was my attempt to write a sci-fi story that used a so-called “soft” science, cultural anthropology, to solve a problem. The story has a lot of other sci-fi tropes–aliens and hard science among them–but the actual crux point is somewhat unexpected. I also adore the characters I wrote for this story–two extremely […]

Stephen Fry on Form, Part 11

| August 28, 2023

As I mentioned previously, I’m working through Stephen Fry’s The Ode Less Travelled very slowly to absorb as much wisdom as I can about writing poetry. This week’s post covers Chapter 3, Section 11, on shaped verse. This section goes through many different forms of poetry, but the thing the forms all have in common is […]

“Amanita” in Conceits of Whim and Fancy

| August 24, 2023

“Amanita” is an odd story on the border between reality and dreaming and, perhaps unsurprisingly, given the title, involves hallucination-inducing mushroom tea. (Amanita mushrooms can be poisonous, but they can also be hallucinatory. Or both.) It took a bit of work to get it to balance nicely between reality and dreaming, but I was pretty […]