History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

September 2023 Recap

| October 3, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 139 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 78 (+11) Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 51 New Submissions: 4 Stories out at the end of the month: 107 A slightly slower month on the submissions and writing fronts, mainly because I spent two weeks of the month […]

August 2023 Recap

| September 5, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 107 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 46 (+3) Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 71 New Submissions: 11 Stories out at the end of the month: 139 The numbers this month are definitely going up in terms of submissions, but without a commensurate return in acceptances. […]

My Clarion West Write-A-Thon Recap!

| August 7, 2023

I set my Clarion West Write-A-Thon goals to be basically what I’d be writing in a normal six week period: Draft two short stories Draft seven flash fiction pieces Revise two short stories Revise novella And I did it! I drafted coast and bunny, I wrote EIGHT flash fiction pieces, revised dragon and contact (which […]

July 2023 Recap

| August 3, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 102 Acceptances received: 3 Rejections received: 50 (+5) Stories withdrawn: 1 Resubmissions: 38 New Submissions: 26 Stories out at the end of the month: 107 The numbers are a bit all over the place this month, though the overall top and bottom line seem […]

June 2023 Recap!

| July 4, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 76 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 35 Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 55 New Submissions: 7 Stories out at the end of the month: 102 The numbers are slowly ramping up toward normal this month. No acceptances, but I completed and submitted seven new pieces: […]

May 2023 Recap!

| June 6, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 88 Acceptances received: 2 Rejections received: 44 (1 + 6) Stories withdrawn: 1 Resubmissions: 38 New Submissions: 4 Stories out at the end of the month: 76 The numbers for May are unsurprisingly on the lower side, unsurprisingly because I took half the month […]

April 2023 Recap!

| May 2, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 83 Acceptances received: 3 Rejections received: 56 (+2) Stories withdrawn: 1 Resubmissions: 54 New Submissions: 11 Stories out at the end of the month: 88 Pretty decent numbers for this month, especially on the acceptances and writing new stuff fronts! I’ve signed the contracts […]

March 2023 Recap!

| April 4, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 98 Acceptances received: 1 Rejections received: 58 Stories withdrawn: 2 Resubmissions: 37 New Submissions: 9 Stories out at the end of the month: 83 Slightly slower month for the submissions, but also not a ton of rejections compared to some other months. This is […]

February 2023 Recap

| March 2, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 71 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 58 (+1) (+5) Stories withdrawn: 1 Resubmissions: 88 New Submissions: 6 Stories out at the end of the month: 98 My submissions numbers are back up to closer to normal again, after a long while of struggling with […]

January 2023 Recap

| February 2, 2023

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 83 Acceptances received: 2 Rejections received: 45 Stories withdrawn: 1 Resubmissions: 32 New Submissions: 4 Stories out at the end of the month: 71 This month has been a little on the slower side for submissions, but I also haven’t had a ton that […]