History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Kickstarter Recommendation: Shacklebound Books

| January 25, 2023

If you like reading flash fiction and drabbles, check out the Kickstarter for the second year of Shacklebound Books! They publish loads of drabble and flash fiction anthologies, plus a drabble magazine, Martian: The Magazine of Science Fiction Drabbles. They’ve published a few of my pieces in their first year, and I’m excited to see […]

Cover Reveal for The Sidewalk Diverges

| January 17, 2023

My next collection will be out February 14, so it’s time to show off the cover! It’s a simple one, based on some manipulation of one of my photos, but I think it works for this collection! In The Sidewalk Diverges, stories about magic sit alongside stories about superpowers, while ghosts, angels, and fae intermingle. These […]

Keeping My Patreon Going

| January 10, 2023

It’s 2023, and my Patreon is still going strong. I’m not quite to the goal where I’ll make a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer piece, but perhaps this is the year for that! In addition to getting video readings, my Patreon is a great way […]

December 2022 Publications

| January 5, 2023

Publishing sometimes slows down a bit toward the end of the year, but I had a couple of pieces out this past month! “Don’t Count Your Sprite Shards Before They’re Caged” is a sort of steampunk flash fiction piece that was published in Factor Four. I say sort of steampunk, because it involves an airship, […]

I’d Love to Start Making Videos for My Patreon!

| December 15, 2022

I’ve had my Patreon for a while, and I’ve been hoping to reach my goal of making a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer piece for a while! I’ve been hovering so close to that goal for a long time. I’d love to have your support […]

My October 2022 New Releases!

| November 10, 2022

I had three new pieces out in the month of October! My poem, “Portrait Day at Zapus Zone 9 Academy,” appeared in the October issue of  Star*Line. Super exciting for me was that this poem is on the BACK COVER, so when people flip over the issue, I’m right there for the world to read! […]

Patreon for 2023!

| November 8, 2022

Have you checked out my Patreon lately? It’s a way for my fans of my writing (or me!) to throw a small amount of money my way to support me and learn about what I’m working on! I share updates about my works in progress, including snippets of stories for my patrons! I’m getting  closer […]

Kickstarter Recommendation: Paradoxical Pets

| October 19, 2022

I’m super excited about the Kickstarter for Paradoxical Pets because I’ve got a story in this anthology! The anthology is, as expected, about unusual pets and other animals, but it’s also specifically for younger readers! For me, this meant I got to write a cute little story about a girl and her dog … which might […]

Small Publishing in a Big Universe Interview!

| September 28, 2022

A few months back, I recorded an interview for the Small Publishing in a Big Universe podcast, where I talked about self-publishing and small press publishing, and some of the pros and cons of each! You can check it out here! There are lots of other cool panels and interviews and more if you want […]

Camp Haunt Out Today!

| September 27, 2022

My young adult epistolary horror novella, Camp Haunt, is out today, in print and ebook for the first time! Camp Haunt started out as a serial epistolary novel on Channillo, which I wrote in 2016 and just into the beginning of 2017. At one point, I thought I might completely rewrite it as a novella […]