Thankfulness: Writer’s Groups

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay
As Thanksgiving approaches, thoughts often turn to the things we’re thankful for in the world.
For me, I’m thankful for the many, many writer’s communities I’ve found myself a part of over the years I’ve been writing. At first, I was part of a small, in-person, writer’s group, which spanned a good chunk of the 15-ish years that I’ve been writing. When the pandemic hit, we pivoted to online, though that eventually dropped off to just occasionally writing together online. I’ve started organizing an online group that some of the participants call “The Church of Writing,” as we meet on Sunday mornings, when folks are available to take a couple of hours to write and chat.
I’m also part of a variety of online writer’s communities that range from message boards to Slack to Discord, sometimes with more than one of those components. Some of them are well-known ones like SFWA and Codex Writers, while others are lesser-known groups. Sometimes, there are just a handful of writers who share the same online space.
All around, though, I would not be the writer I am today without the support of and knowledge shared within these groups, whether in person or online. Writing can be a lonely pursuit, but with communities, you can have people to commiserate and celebrate with!
And for that, I’m thankful!