December 2023 Recap

Juniper, one of the bears at our local zoo, posing like the princess she is!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 86
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 49 (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 77
New Submissions: 28
Stories out at the end of the month: 112
December was a very productive month for me. After the busy-ness of November with NaNoWriMo, I had time to clean up some Drawlloween pieces and do a lot more submissions. The new pieces I finished were 15 poems, 2 short stories, 5 flash fiction pieces, and 6 drabbles. I also had two acceptances in December, for a drabble and a reprint flash fiction piece. Rejections were a little on the slow side (likely because of the holiday season), and the +1 there is for a market that closed.
In December, I finished the draft of parade, expanded sugar, revised dam, revised the bulk of my Drawlloween pieces (and outlined a few that will need more work later), did my craft book exercises, reviewed two books, proofread two DCO books, and started editing another DCO book. I wrote an unexpected short story (bulldozer) thanks to encouragement from a friend, and wrote some drabbles and flash fiction for various markets and contests. I also learned how to do print and ebook layout, so I’ve been sharpening my skills on those, too! And I worked on a secret art project, so yet another set of skills!
In January, I need to:
- Revise my non-fiction project
- First draft of short story (seance)
- Finish revising short story (parade)
- Revise short story (bulldozer)
- Revise flash piece (color)
- Revise some poem fragments
- Write a new poem
- Write a couple of flash pieces for submissions
- Write four flash pieces for contest
- Do four craft book exercises
- Review two books
- Proofread a DCO book
Quite a bit there, but it’s all spread out nicely throughout the month, so it looks very doable!