My Latest Fantasy Publications

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay
If you’re looking for a fantasy story or poem to read, here are a few of my recent fantasy publications!
Back in March, Wyngraf published my flash fiction story, “The Truth of Their Tunes.” This was a piece inspired by a piece of music, specifically Radiohead’s song “Creep.” Though the lyrics don’t come up in the course of the story, if you go into the story knowing that’s the “song,” some bits of it might make more sense. This story also appears in The Little Cozy Book, which collects cozy fantasy stories from Wyngraf!
My poem, “Beneath an Unknown Sky,” appeared in Eternal Haunted Summer’s Summer Solstice issue. This one was inspired by an image that included the tree that makes its appearance in the poem, along with another image that inspired the characters therein.
“Kick in the Door and Improvise” is a gaming quote from some of my friends, but it’s also the title of my story that appeared in Tales from the Magician’s Skull in September. It’s a short story about making a plan and then having to improvise when things go awry.
My flash fiction piece, “Refuge,” appeared in Home: What Is It and How Do I Get There?, an anthology of stories about home. In this case, my character is looking for a new place to call her home, and the story explores an ancient location from an outsider’s perspective of it.
Finally, my flash fiction piece, “The Arroyo Fiasco,” appeared in Soul Jar, an anthology of stories by authors with disabilities including characters with disabilities. My main character in this story is neuro-diverse, which leads to some complications along the way.