WriteHive Panel: Newsletter 101

Image by 200 Degrees from Pixabay
One of the panels from the WriteHive online conference this year that I found valuable was Newsletter 101: The Basics. Though I’ve had my newsletter up and running for a while, I still find it useful to read and watch things about newsletters to see what I can do better. And this panel had lots of great tips!
One of the big points that the panelists made is that you want to provide things in your newsletter that are of value to your readers and fans, since those are the people most likely to sign up for your newsletter. If you have other authors reading your books and newsletter, writing tips can be a great thing to include in your newsletter. If your audience is mostly readers who are not also authors, they might enjoy sneak peeks at upcoming books (or stories, or poems). Newsletter readers also like things that let them connect with the author on a personal level. You don’t have to get DEEPLY personal, but just including something about an interest or hobby or your personality can be good newsletter content.
Other features in your newsletter might be promoting books by other authors you know (or other books you’ve enjoyed that have similarities to what you write), interviewing other authors, and otherwise sharing the love. After all, whether your newsletter subscribers are authors or readers, they probably want to know about books they might like other than yours!
The panelists also talked about newsletter platforms, newsletter builders, and the ever-coveted high click-through rate. They gave me a lot of great ideas on what I was already doing well and also what I can do to improve my newsletter! The panel is definitely worth the watch!