April 2023 Recap!

Not gardening yet this year because of a planned vacation, but I stuck a pretty butterfly prism sticker to the window so I still have a nice view!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 83
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 56 (+2)
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 54
New Submissions: 11
Stories out at the end of the month: 88
Pretty decent numbers for this month, especially on the acceptances and writing new stuff fronts! I’ve signed the contracts for two of the acceptances: I’ll have stories in Wyldblood Magazine and Dread Space 2. I haven’t signed the contract on the third one yet, but it’s a poem and it’s kind of a big deal. (The same market is also still considering a second poem from me, so hopefully I will be announcing TWO big sales.) The +2 on rejections were one market that closed and another that never responded. And I withdrew one story from a market that was showing no movement at all.
The new pieces in April were six poems, two short stories, and three flash fiction pieces. Several of these were revisions on contest pieces, and it’s nice to get those cleaned up and out into the world. A couple of the poems came from a speculative poetry workshop I taught, where I gave the attendees a prompt and time to write, and I wrote alongside them. They all did FANTASTIC and inspired me to write some pretty great stuff myself!
In April, I worked on more Wayward Writer exercises, revised shroud and lament, revised four of the five poems from the contest, wrote the bulk of brother, launched Droplets and prepped Wreathed, starting preparing the fourth book (still no title, but I’m working on that now), and did a BUNCH of editing and an index. The last of those took up a lot of my time, which led to shuffling some of my creative work to a later date! I also reviewed a few books, which somehow weren’t on my list for last month.
In May, I plan to:
- Finish the first draft of brother and start revisions
- Work on dragon
- Write a flash fiction piece
- Do a couple of The Wayward Writer exercises
- Do the next Stephen Fry chapter section
- Write three book reviews
- Write 31 MerMay pieces
The list is short this month because I have a two-week vacation coming up, and MerMay will be the only writing I do while I’m on vacation. Everything else can wait until I’m back!