History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

The Story in the Middle: Brass and Glass 2

When the editors at Razorgirl Press (the original publishers of my Brass and Glass series) asked me whether Brass and Glass: The Cask of Cranglimmering was a stand-alone book, I was pretty sure the answer was “no.” But I hadn’t entirely figured out what would happen in the rest of the books. But that question got me working on figuring out those details so I could write the other two books for the trilogy.

One of the things that was important to me, though, was to make sure that Brass and Glass 2: The Long-Cursed Map wasn’t just the story in the middle. It needed to have its own plot lines to make it interesting, and not just the route from point A to point B. I outlined it with the end point in mind, but also with it’s own beginning, middle, and ending.

Even if I had to change the ending for this book…

The first draft had an ending that I referred to as “Han Solo frozen in carbonite.” Imagine, if you will, that The Empire Strikes Back had ended with that scene. That’s what I wanted to do. Thankfully, a wise friend or three talked me out of it, reminding me that it is NOT the scene at the end of the movie, because that level of cliffhanger would have been Too Much.

But they were right, and it’s a much better book for it, nicely bridging the middle of the series.

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