“The Wearisome Worry of the Wily Waif” in C. & M. Marsh, Girl Detectives
“The Wearisome Worry of the Wily Waif” is the sole Marsh sisters story I’ve written that has not been picked up for publication. But I included it in C. and M. Marsh, Girl Detectives because I think it’s a good story. It’s a little different than the other Marsh sisters stories, which have the girls confronting thefts by unscrupulous people or mechanical monkeys. Instead, this story looks at someone breaking and entering at the garden but not committing any other crime than that. And as such, it has a fairly gentle, cozier ending.
You can find “The Wearisome Worry of the Wily Waif” only in C. and M. Marsh, Girl Detectives for now!