History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: Three Interesting Images

Perhaps these images don’t look like they go together at first, but I’ve already got a story brewing in my mind from looking at them!

The first image is an illustration of a sunrise or sunset filtered through trees at the left of the image, with hazy details of a mountain in the background, and a body of water with a bridge or dock extending over or into it. The color scheme is largely oranges, golds, and browns, with a bit of pink.

The second image is a black and white photograph of a stage with a keyboard, pair of microphones, and music stand in the foreground and smoke or mist in the background.

The third image depicts a red-haired feminine presenting person wearing a dark crown, dark clothing, and clutching a goblet in both hands. The lighting appears to come from a fire or flame that is outside of the image. The background is leafless tree branches in the darkness.

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