Gifts for Writers: Ridiculous Post-It Notes

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If you’re shopping for a writer this holiday season, have you considered a fun stocking stuffer of ridiculous post-it notes? Not only are they fun, they’re also practical, because most authors I know swear by post-it notes of some sort to keep track of projects, plots, or even our mundane to-do lists. I personally have post-it notes in the front of my planner book with names for bands or potential stories and one to remind me of some of the details from theĀ Brass and Glass series. I also use them occasionally within the calendar portions of my planner book as an actual to-do list. And I know some authors who stick post-it notes to a blank wall when they’re plotting a novel and want to be able to try moving things around to see how it will work out. So all in all, the right block of ridiculous post-it notes might be a real hit with any authors you’re buying gifts for this holiday season!