History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Unfixed Timelines Stories and Essays

Cover art for Unfixed TimelinesThere’s a part of me that still misses academia. When you spend a large chunk of your adult life in an environment, it’s bound to leave some lasting marks on you. I didn’t love teaching, and I wouldn’t have loved the rat race that is tenure, but I liked research and writing and being adjacent to all those things that a university environment offers.

I still work adjacent to history, but I do a lot less research and writing these days. So in order to get more of that in my life, I researched for alternate history stories. And then, having written said stories, and having all of the research bits that didn’t fit into the stories themselves, I wrote up essays to go alongside them.

If you’d also like to be academia adjacent, check out Unfixed Timelines. It’ll be just like reading for your college classes, except WAY more interesting. You can find Unfixed Timelines at Channillo, where the first two stories and essays have all appeared at this point, or on Amazon, where you can just devour the whole book rather than waiting for each story or essay to appear!

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