History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Thinking about Steampunk

| December 19, 2017

At Anglicon a couple of weekends ago, I took part in a panel on steampunk with Jeffrey Cook and Andy Wolf. One of the things that we discussed during the course of it was on a scale of H. G. Wells to Jules Verne, where does your steampunk fall? (The abbreviated explanation on that scale […]

Review of Everfair

| September 20, 2017

My latest review for Mad Scientist Journal is for Nisi Shawl’s Everfair, a fascinating alternate history steampunk-fantasy look at a nation forged from the defeat of King Leopold in the Congo in the late nineteenth century. This book really appealed to me as a historian and a steampunk author! If you’re interested in learning more about it […]

Review of Iron Edda: Sveidsdottir

| August 16, 2017

My latest review is up at Mad Scientist Journal today. This one is for a Norse steampunk fantasy novel that was funded through a Kickstarter a few years ago. It’s been waiting on my Kindle for quite some time, but I only just got to read it! You can check out my review here!

Fun for Friday: Steampunk Name Generator

| June 9, 2017

My husband occasionally teases me about how much I love random generators. This is in part because when we first met, I used a random encounter table for the Werewolf: Wild West game I was running. But it’s also very true. I LOVE random generators of all kinds. Sometimes what they give you is questionable, but […]

May recap

| May 31, 2013

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 3 Acceptances received: 0 Rejections received: 0 Resubmissions: 0 New Submissions: 0 Stories out at the end of the month: 3 Unsurprisingly, no movement on the short story front. Everything that I have out is out at markets that I’m expecting will take a […]

Friday Recap

| February 17, 2012

This week has been not too bad, though I suspect my total word count is very much on the low side. I wrote a piece of microfiction on Monday, which was accepted for publication on Tuesday. Last night, I knocked out one of the remaining chapters in my steampunk novella, though I already know it […]

Friday Recap

| January 27, 2012

Progress! I worked a bit on my apocalypse story, only to realize that what I was really writing was the beginning of a YA horror(-ish) novel(la). I’m still not sure on the length, but I know that it’s longer than the scope of a short story. So I’ve put that (tentative title: The Thirteenth Year) […]

Good press!

| January 3, 2012

I’ve mentioned my short story, “The Recondite Riddle of the Rose Rogue,” more than a few times. It was the first fiction that I wrote that was published, and now it’s mentioned (glowingly!) in a review that was posted to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website! My NaNo project was another Marsh sisters story, and I think […]

Works in progress, and then not

| June 3, 2011

I’ve got a bunch of stories that should be in the works. I almost outlined one of them, for the Steampunk Shakespeare anthology. I say almost outlined, because I’m not a big outliner. Most of my stories just tend to flow in semi-random directions, and then get cleaned up later on. But this story needed […]