History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

DefCon One Spring Reads!

| March 12, 2025

It’s not quite spring yet, but we’re ahead of the game at DefCon One Publishing, with a list of spring reads! These books take place in the spring months, either in part or wholly, or have flowery covers. We’ve also got eight spring quarterlies from Mad Scientist Journal on the list, which often include spring-themed stories […]

Spring-Themed Publications!

| May 4, 2023

I didn’t have any new stories out in April this year, so let’s do a round-up of some of my spring-themed publications instead! “Fiddle in the Middle,” which originally appeared in MYTHIC Magazine, is set in spring in Seattle. It’s the story of two sisters working through their differences to get along and stop the people […]

No February Publications? How About Spring Reads?

| March 9, 2023

My only February 2023 publication wound up being The Sidewalk Diverges, due to delays in production schedules. I will have some new publications in March, but for the time being, how about some spring-themed reads? You can find a couple of those in The Sidewalk Diverges, specifically “Fiddle in the Middle” and “Five Days After,” both […]

Writing Spring Cleaning

| March 7, 2022

We’re edging toward spring in the northern hemisphere, which makes now seem like a good time for a little writing spring cleaning! Many authors have a folder on their computer where they dump a lot of half-finished projects, snippets of dialogue, and story ideas. You might call it “pieces” (like I do), “junk,” “ideas,” “someday,” […]

Fun for Friday: Images of the Coming Spring

| February 12, 2021

Today, we’ve got some images around a theme of spring, though in a variety of different ways to make them inspire writing that doesn’t necessarily have to do with the change of seasons. (Images deleted.) The first image is of a castle in Prague, though the castle is in the background and intentionally blurred, to […]