History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

March recap

| April 1, 2013

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 2 Acceptances received: 1 Rejections received: 3 Resubmissions: 2 New Submissions: 1 Stories out at the end of the month: 2 March was a rather productive month for me. I finished one short story and sent it off to an anthology. Though the story […]

A new story up and the results of the retreat

| September 10, 2012

First off, since I promised I would share it as soon as I had information on the publication date, my short story, “Bringing Light to the World,” went up at Fickle Muses on Sunday! I wrote this story, which is a retelling of a Native American legend, about a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, […]

Goals for the weekend

| September 7, 2012

So my friend Folly, posted about her goals for the weekend writing retreat. And I just spent a couple of minutes figuring mine out, in the form of a ridiculously formatted and color-coded word document. But I realized that while the color-coded word document is pretty, it does nothing to actually keep me on target. […]

In Situ is out!

| July 18, 2012

In case you haven’t already seen the news, In Situ, from Dagan Books is out now! (It came out about a week ago, but I’ve been slow in getting this update posted!) My short story, “Donning the Helm,” is the first story of the anthology, a fact that makes me super happy! I haven’t actually […]

Friday Recap

| February 3, 2012

This week, I managed to finish my story for January and get it submitted, a day ahead of schedule! I also wrote and submitted another review, and got started on a sort of urban fantasy short story, which currently has no title. I also went through Jeremy’s novella manuscript with a fine toothed comb, so […]

Writing Dialogue

| January 30, 2012

One of the things I struggle with in my writing is dialogue. This is probably not helped any by the fact that my husband is VERY good with dialogue. He’s great at writing punchy and natural sounding dialogue, pretty much no matter what his characters are talking about. And while I can recognize that I’ve […]

Friday Recap

| January 27, 2012

Progress! I worked a bit on my apocalypse story, only to realize that what I was really writing was the beginning of a YA horror(-ish) novel(la). I’m still not sure on the length, but I know that it’s longer than the scope of a short story. So I’ve put that (tentative title: The Thirteenth Year) […]

Friday Recap

| January 20, 2012

Since I’m doing the Write1Sub1 challenge this year, and also because one of the fine ladies from the retreat is checking in with the Seattle contingent weekly to see what we’ve done during the week, I’m taking a careful look at what I’ve accomplished each week. So here’s my first Friday Recap! I got two book […]

The Retreat Recap

| January 17, 2012

The Location: A beautiful rental property on Harstine Island. Overall, it was great! There were some minor oddities that could have become an issue, but didn’t. Like the fact that it only had 2 bathrooms, and only one of them had a shower! With 9 women in the house, that could have become disastrous, but […]

Good press!

| January 3, 2012

I’ve mentioned my short story, “The Recondite Riddle of the Rose Rogue,” more than a few times. It was the first fiction that I wrote that was published, and now it’s mentioned (glowingly!) in a review that was posted to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website! My NaNo project was another Marsh sisters story, and I think […]