History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“A Sixteen Step Plan to Supervillainy” in Coast to Coast Stars

| February 25, 2021

When I’m writing in a superhero universe, I generally write heroes and not villains. But for “A Sixteen Step Plan to Supervillainy,” I decided to try out the other side of the fence. After all, villains believe themselves to be the heroes of their stories, so why not write a sympathetic villain story? “A Sixteen […]

Cool Things at Patreon!

| March 10, 2020

Have you checked out my Patreon lately? It’s a way for my fans to throw a small amount of money my way to support my writing! I’m getting close to my first goal, which involves a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer piece! So if I […]

2019 Awards Eligibility

| November 26, 2019

It’s the time of year when folks start posting lists of their stories and books from the past year that are eligible for award nominations. And here are mine! Flash Fiction: “Coffin Coffee Table,” The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (March 2019). “Brick-Red Love,” The Arcanist (April 2019). Also available in The Arcanist: Year Two. “Safe Haven,” Five Minutes at Hotel […]

Coming Soon: Denizens of Distant Realms

| July 4, 2019

I’m getting ready to launch my next short story collection, which will be called Denizens of Distant Realms, and feature six of my secondary world (meaning set in worlds that are definitely not our own) fantasy short stories. Within its pages, you’ll find dragons, cats, witches, magical items, demons, and, of course, mermaids. I’ll have a […]

She Puts the Sparx in Sparx & Arrows

| June 20, 2019

Kara Sparx was a character in Cobalt City that I attached myself to early on. She was mostly a minor background character in some of the initial Cobalt City books, but I wanted to do more with her. After all, she was a nerdy techie with a cool robot, and who did a lot of […]

Me and My Patreon

| May 9, 2019

Did you know that I have a Patreon? I do! It’s a way for my fans to throw a small amount of money my way to support my writing and learn about what I’m working on! I haven’t reached my first goal, which involves a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or […]