History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

TV Recommendation: Loki

| July 28, 2021

So it’s been hard to look any direction on the internet lately without seeing people raving about the Loki series on Disney+. And I’m here to join the clamor! Though Loki may not have had quite the same pace and flash as some of the other recent MCU series on Disney+, it more than made up […]

Review of The Atrocities by Jeremy C. Shipp

| July 21, 2021

The Atrocities by Jeremy C. Shipp (tor.com, 2018) blends a modern setting with a spooky Gothic tale. In turns, it maintains creeping dread and sustains quick action. Danna Valdez has just taken a position to educate the young daughter of a wealthy and somewhat eccentric family. But when she arrives at their unusually appointed estate, […]

Review of The Silence of Bones by June Hur

| July 14, 2021

The Silence of Bones by June Hur (Feiwel & Friends, 2020) is a historical young adult mystery set in early nineteenth century Korea, full of rich detail and wonderful characters. The mystery is also phenomenal, and it will keep you guessing all the way to the reveal! Damo Seol is an indentured servant, bound to […]

Movie Review: In the Heights

| June 30, 2021

We saw the stage production of In the Heights at the height of Hamilton popularity, when it was nearly impossible to get a ticket for the latter. We decided that the ticket prices for In the Heights were much better, so we went to see a musical we knew very little about, aside from the fact […]

Review of Mask of Silver by Rosemary Jones

| June 23, 2021

Mask of Silver by Rosemary Jones (Aconyte Books, 2021) is an Arkham Horror novel, related to the Arkham Horror board game. Set in the 1920s, it’s a fun mix of historical fiction and the creeping dread horror that is conjured when one says Lovecraft or Arkham. The story focuses on a film production team, including […]

Review of Thornwood by Leah Cypess

| June 2, 2021

Thornwood by Leah Cypess (Delacorte Books for Young Readers, 2021) is a delightful retelling of the Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of her sister. Written for a middle grade audience, the book is a wonderful read for kids and adults alike. The book begins with the premise that Sleeping Beauty’s story went mostly as the […]

Book Recommendation: Story Genius by Lisa Cron

| May 19, 2021

I recently read and recommended Wired for Story by Lisa Cron, and now I’m back to talk about another of her books, Story Genius. Whereas I found Wired for Story to be something that I could apply to both novel and shorter writing, Story Genius is 100 percent a book for people who want to write a novel. […]

Book Recommendation: Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody

| April 28, 2021

Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody insists frequently that this book is not a formula for writing a novel, but it provides a ton of information on novel structure and pacing that could be used as something like a formula, or at least a strong set of guideposts. This approach is marvelous […]

Book Recommendation: Wired for Story by Lisa Cron

| April 14, 2021

Wired for Story by Lisa Cron is a fantastic book for writers who want to work more on their writing craft. Using facts about how readers’ brains work, Cron explains how you can use and defy expectations in ways that will satisfy your readers. At the same time, she gives excellent insight into why some […]

Review of Corpses and Cognac by Dorian Graves

| March 31, 2021

Corpses and Cognac (2021) is Dorian Graves’ second book in the Deadly Drinks series, an urban fantasy series in a similar vein to Supernatural but so much better! I read and reviewed the first book in the series, Bones and Bourbon, when that book came out, and so I was excited to take a look at the […]