History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

The Chariot in A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages

| March 20, 2025

The Chariot tarot card represents overcoming challenges and forward movement. In A Tarot of Sorcery and Sages, this is represented by a flash fiction piece and a poem. “Refuge” is a flash fiction story about a person fleeing pursuers who finds an unusual location. The story takes place on a river, with the protagonist quite […]

My Latest Fantasy Publications

| November 16, 2023

If you’re looking for a fantasy story or poem to read, here are a few of my recent fantasy publications! Back in March, Wyngraf published my flash fiction story, “The Truth of Their Tunes.” This was a piece inspired by a piece of music, specifically Radiohead’s song “Creep.” Though the lyrics don’t come up in […]

September 2023 Publications

| October 5, 2023

I had two new publication in September of this year, both fantasy stories. My short story, “Kick in the Door and Improvise,” appeared in volume 11 of Tales from the Magician’s Skull. The title is taken from the common “plan” we use in a lot of our tabletop RPGs, to the point that I cross-stitched […]