History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek


| March 24, 2015

Norwescon schedules have begun popping up. I figured I’d add mine to the mix. On Friday, I will be in the dealer’s room, helping out my friend Friday by selling tea at her booth (Friday Afternoon) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (with a short break to go listen to Jeremy read at 10:30 a.m.). […]

Belated post about a review and other reading

| April 3, 2012

Since I was out of town when my latest review on Nevermet Press went live, I didn’t post about it. But you can find my review of Ghosts By Gaslight there! I gave myself a short break from reading for reviews so that I could finish the Hunger Games series. I read Catching Fire and […]

Reading: Nightlight and M for Magic

| May 6, 2011

Having finally had a night to sit and read, I managed to make it through two books! Compared to my usual woefully inadequate book consumption, this is a big accomplishment. It did not, however, make any apparent dent in the stacks of books I still need to read. Nightlight is a Twilight parody, and it […]

Reading Notes: HP7

| February 22, 2011

So I’m WAY behind on the whole Harry Potter craze, because I patently refused to read them when they came out, mainly because they were so popular. Yes, I have been known to be rather contrary. 🙂 But now I’m reading Deathly Hallows, and I’m almost to the point where I’ll be able to say […]