History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

My 2021 Publications Recap

| November 30, 2021

It’s the time of year when folks start posting lists of their stories and books from the past year that are eligible for award nominations. I had a TON of flash published, which does not currently get its own category in award nominations (it qualifies as “short” for those purposes), but I like to separate […]

New Stories and Poetry Out Recently

| April 13, 2021

I’ve got three new stories and a new poem out recently. First off, “Blind Tasting” appeared at Every Day Fiction in late March. This is a flash fiction story with very minimal speculative elements, which was inspired by a duet between two of the members of Pentagon, mixed with the idea of an unusual wine. […]

The Timing from Idea to Book

| March 1, 2021

How long does it take between when an author gets an idea for a novel and when it comes out? That depends on a number of factors, including the author and their publication process. But the short answer is “longer than you’d think.” Between Facebook memories and archived emails, I’ve determined that the novel I […]

Cover Reveal for Barren!

| February 23, 2021

The next book I’ll be publishing this year is Barren, a post-apocalyptic novella. This novella has been a long time in the making. It started as a short story that many people thought felt like the beginning of something longer. I tried to make it a novel, but novella wound up being the length it worked […]

My 2020 Story Publications

| November 24, 2020

I feel like I haven’t published a lot of stories this year, but then I put together a post like this, and I realize I’m incorrect in that assessment. 2020 has seemed so long that some of the stories that came out in January and February feel like they were released a lifetime ago. But […]

Out Now: Spiders of the Shifting Swamp

| September 22, 2020

And now for something completely different, I’ve written and illustrated my first ever children’s book! Spiders of the Shifting Swamp started as a short story loosely based on a world that Jeremy had created, or at least tucked into the corner of a world he had created. The story was VERY short, and one market […]

Learning from Other Authors

| November 19, 2018

I recently came across a great article by Forrest Brazeal, a relatively new author working in the speculative fiction genre, talking about his experiences writing and publishing short fiction. There’s a lot of fantastic knowledge imparted in this brief article, and it’s interesting to see this topic from the perspective of someone who is new […]

Three Stories Out Now!

| October 9, 2018

Three of my stories have come out since the beginning of October, so here’s a round up post to point you to all three! “At Least No One Else Will Suffer” is in the October 2018 issue of Factor Four Magazine. This is a flash fiction piece about an evil king getting what’s coming to him. […]

Welcome to Miskatonic University Kickstarter!

| March 8, 2018

Broken Eye Books recently launched their Kickstarter for Welcome to Miskatonic University, which is an anthology of stories set at the vaunted institution of higher education in Lovecraft’s Miskatonic Valley. The basic Kickstarter funding will fund one anthology, but there’s a second anthology waiting in the wings as the first stretch goal. And that second anthology […]

Fun for Friday: The Origin of the Slush Pile

| June 16, 2017

Last summer, my brother and I were sitting at my mom’s kitchen table, both trying to get some work done, and I said something about needing to read slush. He didn’t believe this was a thing, so I looked up the origins of the term “slush pile” to prove him wrong. (Because that’s what we […]