History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

November 2022 Recap

| December 6, 2022

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 65 Acceptances received: 1 Rejections received: 63 (+2) Stories withdrawn: 2 Resubmissions: 76 New Submissions: 8 Stories out at the end of the month: 74 This month looks pretty similar to last month on most fronts, though I had a lot more resubmissions (getting […]

Fun for Friday: Thirty Writing Prompts

| November 18, 2022

November may be halfway over, but I recently found this list of November writing prompts and really liked what they included! You could get started on them now, save them for another month with 30 days, or just randomly choose a prompt to use (through a random number generator or just picking a favorite number) […]

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, November 2022 Edition

| November 9, 2022

Reading: Primarily books to review, though I also just got a huge stack of craft books from a Microcosm Publishing Kickstarter, so I’ve got those to wade through as well! Watching: Since my last post, we finished She Hulk, which we loved all the way through (yes, even the last episode, which was strange but […]

Fun for Friday: November 2022 Writing Prompts

| October 28, 2022

October is nearly over, so here comes November! This month, Word 1 prompts come from the Kick in the Creatives Art Challenge, with slight modification to make them all one word prompts. Word 2 prompts come from Miska’s Maps Mapvember. And Word 3 prompts are randomly generated words. So there’s not much of a theme […]

November 2021 Recap

| December 2, 2021

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 148 Acceptances received: 3 Rejections received: 98 (+3) Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 82 New Submissions: 1 Stories out at the end of the month: 127 November was a little abnormal, primarily because I was working on a NaNoWriMo novel, which threw off pretty much […]

What I’m Reading, Watching, and Listening To, November 2021 Edition

| November 10, 2021

Reading: I’ve been cruising through books for reviews recently, as I got several review requests in a row. Then I’ll move on to some books I picked up because they looked awesome (and I’ll review those too). Watching: We tore through the final episodes of Lucifer (SO GOOD), so we’re awaiting Hawkeye soon, plus miscellaneous episodes […]

Fun for Friday: November Writing Prompts

| October 29, 2021

It’s almost November, so it’s time for the new month’s writing prompts! This month, the words aren’t on a November theme, but you’re certainly welcome to integrate November themes into your pieces. After the super Halloween themed October words, though, I definitely need a break from themes! If you’re doing NaNoWriMo or another November challenge, […]

November 2020 Recap

| December 3, 2020

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 147 Acceptances received: 4 Rejections received: 97 Stories withdrawn: 1 (+9) Resubmissions: 156 New Submissions: 9 Stories out at the end of the month: 199 I went on a big submissions push in November, so I have a lot more resubmissions and new submissions. […]

Fun for Friday: November 2020 Writing Prompts

| October 30, 2020

Here comes November, with autumn and winter temperatures and holidays in their wake in most of North America! This month’s prompts reflect the late autumn/early winter nature of November, and also include some holiday-related words and also some random words. If you’re doing NaNoWriMo in November, you could use the words to push you forward […]

November 2019 Recap

| December 3, 2019

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 163 Acceptances received: 2 Rejections received: 91 Stories withdrawn: 6 (+2) Resubmissions: 88 New Submissions: 27 Stories out at the end of the month: 177 November was not an easy month. I spent the first few days at a convention. When I got home, […]