dawn.vogel | February 17, 2012
This week has been not too bad, though I suspect my total word count is very much on the low side. I wrote a piece of microfiction on Monday, which was accepted for publication on Tuesday. Last night, I knocked out one of the remaining chapters in my steampunk novella, though I already know it […]
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Tags: microfiction, novella, recap, steampunk, write1sub1, writing
dawn.vogel | January 27, 2012
Progress! I worked a bit on my apocalypse story, only to realize that what I was really writing was the beginning of a YA horror(-ish) novel(la). I’m still not sure on the length, but I know that it’s longer than the scope of a short story. So I’ve put that (tentative title: The Thirteenth Year) […]
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Tags: horror, Marsh sisters, novel, novella, recap, short story, steampunk, write1sub1, writing