History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

“Vodyanoi” at Beyond Science Fiction!

| May 1, 2015

I mentioned my latest acceptance yesterday, but now that it’s available, here are the details! My short story, “Vodyanoi,” appears in this month’s issue of Beyond Science Fiction, which is available on AmazonĀ (digital only). “Vodyanoi” is a story that I wrote a while ago, and which went through a number of incarnations before I finally […]

Writing with Music

| January 24, 2012

I’m one of those authors who frequently listens to music when I write. Sometimes, it’s so that I can focus more closely on what I’m doing in a crowded space. But more often, it’s for a bit of inspiration when I write. I normally make playlists for any longer piece that I’m working on, but […]

A new story

| February 25, 2011

While I don’t think I’m going to finish one story by the deadline, I managed to sit down last night and bash out a full rough draft of a different story. I think this may be the first time that I’ve gotten an entire first draft out in one sitting. I was listening to a […]