History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of The Great Faerie Strike by Spencer Ellsworth

| September 11, 2019

I’d been wanting to read Spencer Ellsworth’s The Great Faerie Strike since I found out about it early this year, and I’m pleased to say it was worth the wait! If you like steampunk and humor, you’ll love this book, which is filled with just the right balance between silly and serious. You can read my […]

Review of To Another Abyss!

| August 22, 2018

I lived in small college towns from 1992 to 2007–from the time I graduated high school to when I moved to Seattle. And being semi-artistic myself, and having many artistic friends, I was always sort of right on the edge of the art scene of one variety or another. So reading Zach Bartlett’s To Another Abyss! […]