History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Review of Mask of Silver by Rosemary Jones

| June 23, 2021

Mask of Silver by Rosemary Jones (Aconyte Books, 2021) is an Arkham Horror novel, related to the Arkham Horror board game. Set in the 1920s, it’s a fun mix of historical fiction and the creeping dread horror that is conjured when one says Lovecraft or Arkham. The story focuses on a film production team, including […]

Creepy Stories that Stick with You

| April 1, 2021

One of the things about horror that I find most effective is the story that sticks with you after you’ve finished reading it, the sort that continues to haunt you even days later. The stories in Volatile Figments may not be traditional horror, but I hope that some of them have that element of sticking with […]

Camp Haunt, Exclusively at Channillo

| March 30, 2021

Camp Haunt is an unusual novella. It’s an epistolary novel, with the fragments including letters, diary entries, and camp forms. It’s one that I wrote without substantial revision, as I was often writing each section of it about a week before they went live. It’s also the only novella that I’ve published but not via […]

“The Actor-Observer Effect” in Unfixed Timelines 2

| March 23, 2021

I work alongside archaeologists and anthropologists in my day job, so it’s no surprise that some of their terminology infects my brain, and thus my writing. I’ve also become keenly aware over the years about just how flawed a lot of early anthropological work was, with the practitioners inflicting their own understanding of how the […]

Review of Hollow Skulls and Other Stories by Samuel Marzioli

| January 6, 2021

Hollow Skulls and Other Stories by Samuel Marzioli (JournalStone, 2021) is a collection of thirteen horror and otherwise dark short stories. The majority of the stories are previously published stories, while a few are new to this collection. One of Marzioli’s greatest strengths, showcased in this collection, is a sense of creeping dread that pervades […]

Things in the Water that Will Kill You

| September 8, 2020

When asked to summarize what I write, I often tell people “I write about things in the water that will kill you.” And while not all of my stories share that distinction, I have more stories about murderous aquatic creatures than nearly any other topic. I’ve written about vodyanoi, nixes, the stromkarl, selkies, and, of […]

Fun for Friday: Urban Legends from Every State

| May 8, 2020

If you’re looking for inspiration for a horror story or other creepy tale, check out this list of the scariest urban legends from each state. Having lived in three different states, I admit I hadn’t heard any of the urban legends from any of those states. But we definitely had more localized urban legends in […]

Camp Haunt, Only on Channillo

| March 31, 2020

I have one book that has never been released as an ebook or print book, though you can read it online at Channillo. If you like creepy, atmospheric stories told in a found document format, you should definitely check out Camp Haunt. Camp Fairmarsh, founded in 1883, has a long tradition of giving teenage girls a […]

A Creepy Tale of a Ghoul

| November 21, 2019

One of the stories in Volatile Figments is “After School Special,” and it’s about a ghoul and her best friend. At the beginning of the story, the two girls have drifted apart, due to one of them moving away. When she gets back to her old school, things have changed a lot. She doesn’t realize just […]

Fun for Friday: Scary Story Prompts

| October 4, 2019

With it being October, it’s time for some spooky story prompts. As a warning, if you scare easily, you might want to skip these links. Here, you can find 101 terrifying horror story prompts in a general list, and here, you can find 101 MORE terrifying horror story prompts in various categories, some of which […]