History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Doorways in the Gloom Out Today!

| April 12, 2022

Today’s the release date for Doorways in the Gloom! If you’re looking for a collection of horror and dark stories and poetry, check this one out! It’s available as an ebook only, and is only 99 cents! Doorways can lead to many marvelous places. In this collection, however, the scenes they reveal are shrouded in gloom […]

Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Information for Doorways in the Gloom

| March 17, 2022

My next collection, Doorways in the Gloom is now available for pre-order! This collection contains short stories, flash fiction, and poetry with a darker vibe. Some of the stories approach horror, while others are just slightly spooky. Doorways can lead to many marvelous places. In this collection, however, the scenes they reveal are shrouded in gloom […]

Dark and Creepy Books

| December 28, 2021

If you want some creepy, spooky, or otherwise dark reads for your to be read pile, I’ve got two of options for you! Volatile Figments is a collection of contemporary fantasy short stories in which the protagonists deal with the darker side of the supernatural. There are some horrific moments in some of the stories, […]

Horror Video Games with Good Story

| December 1, 2021

If you’re looking for a spooky horror video game to play, check out this list of 15 horror games with good story. I’m not a huge video gamer, but of course I’m familiar with Resident Evil and Silent Hill, both of which have specific titles on this list. I’ve also heard good stuff about Alan […]

99 Tiny Terrors Anthology Kickstarter!

| October 21, 2021

I’m super excited for the 99 Tiny Terrors anthology, because it includes a tiny terror by Yours Truly! My story “Vantablack” will appear alongside 98 equally bite-sized bits of horror. (Yeah, you read that right, I wrote a horror story!) There’s currently a Kickstarter that runs through the end of the month. If you back and […]

Tips and Tricks for Horror Fiction

| October 18, 2021

There’s a lot of great advice out in the world on writing horror fiction, including this piece from Writer’s Online. In addition to having some wonderful tips for overall horror fiction writing, they also present a short horror writing exercise to get you started on a story or other horror fiction piece! They recommend mining […]

Horror Writing Tips from Chuck Wendig

| October 4, 2021

Some topics are a little outside of my wheelhouse when it comes to writing advice. For example, in spite of my love of many spooky things, I’m not great at writing horror. I can write some creepy flash fiction occasionally, using the idea that leaving things to the reader’s imagination is a great way to […]

Death in the Mouth on Kickstarter

| August 18, 2021

Death in the Mouth will be an anthology of horror by authors of color, edited by Sloane Leong and Cassie Hart. In addition to short stories, they will have an abundance of art included in the anthology, by artists of color. They’ve solicited stories from some authors, but if the project funds, they plan to […]

Review of The Atrocities by Jeremy C. Shipp

| July 21, 2021

The Atrocities by Jeremy C. Shipp (tor.com, 2018) blends a modern setting with a spooky Gothic tale. In turns, it maintains creeping dread and sustains quick action. Danna Valdez has just taken a position to educate the young daughter of a wealthy and somewhat eccentric family. But when she arrives at their unusually appointed estate, […]

Horror and Dark Fantasy

| July 15, 2021

If you’re looking for some dark reads for your to be read pile, I’ve got a couple of options for you! Camp Haunt is an epistolary young adult horror novella, which is only available on Channillo (which requires a subscription). It uses letters home from campers, campers’ journals, camp documents, and newspaper clippings to tell […]