History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: February 2019 Writing Prompts

| February 1, 2019

As January winds to a close, it’s time to start looking at writing prompts for February! For this year, I’ve still got some love-themed prompts, but I’m also taking some in very different directions. As always, use your own interpretation of the prompts! Check back on the last Friday of each month (or occasionally the […]

Fun For Friday: Lots of Etymology!

| January 25, 2019

If you’re as fascinated by word origins as I am, you might like this list: Etymologically Speaking. It’s one of the more extensive lists I’ve found for word origins, plus it also does some cool things with looking at the same word in several languages, showing how those words wound up similar or very different! […]

Fun for Friday: 301 Writing Prompts!

| January 18, 2019

The awesome folks at ServiceScape Incorporated recently contacted me to let me know about another list of writing prompts. They offer 301 writing prompts on their website! They’re sorted by broad genres, so that some of them might be taken in different directions, and they also offer a list of “story starters” that would make […]

Fun for Friday: Color Etymology

| January 11, 2019

Why doesn’t anything rhyme with purple? Or orange? It might have to do with the origins of those words. This article on Gizmodo talks about the etymology of colors, or how they got their English names. But did you know that not all languages have words for every color? And there’s also the belief that […]

Fun for Friday: Flash Fiction Prompts

| January 4, 2019

I’ve been writing a lot of flash fiction in the past year, so I’m always excited to find flash fiction prompts. Here’s a list of 50 flash fiction prompts in a variety of genres. For an extra challenge, see if you can take one of these prompts and change the genre!

Fun for Friday: January 2019 Writing Prompts

| December 28, 2018

2018 is drawing to a close, and it’s time for the first writing prompts of 2019! For January’s words this year, it’s words about winter and the coming of a new year. But I’ve focused on words with more than one potential meaning, so you can interpret them in different ways. Check back on the […]

Fun for Friday: A Creative Writing Prompt

| December 21, 2018

If you’re stuck in a rut and need a creative writing prompt that will get your brain thinking in new ways, check out this fun creative writing prompt from The Write Practice! Your end results may be more poetic than prose, but even that can lead you in the direction of a story or something […]

Fun for Friday: Short Story Ideas

| December 14, 2018

If you’re looking for some creative short story prompts, I’ve found a list of 72 at Bookfox! There are some for nearly any genre you can think of, and some that could be used in a multitude of different genres with just a few tweaks. The ideas are each a sentence or more, giving all […]

Fun for Friday: Red Pandas Eating!

| December 7, 2018

Hey, we can’t always have writing-related content, right? Today’s Fun for Friday is this 2 1/2 minute long video of red pandas at our local zoo having some food. This is a momma and her two daughters, who were born at the zoo this summer. The red pandas are some of my favorite critters to […]

Fun for Friday: December Writing Prompts

| November 30, 2018

December begins tomorrow, which seems far too near. But it also means that this year is almost over, which is something of a relief. The prompts this month are taken from December holidays and words associated with winter. As always, feel free to interpret the words in the way you like. I’ve tossed in some […]