History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: Writing Prompts on Pinterest

| June 21, 2019

If you’re looking for a great source of a varied bunch of writing prompts, check out Mandy Corine’s Writing Prompts Pinterest! Most of the prompts here are simple suggestions of a scene or snippet, but many of them can be used to flesh out a character, as a warm-up exercise to get started, or even […]

Fun for Friday: Three Things, One Story

| June 14, 2019

Today seems like a good day for some very different images to put a story together from. Rainbow portals, sunsets, and fluffy bunnies? Sounds perfect!

Fun for Friday: Etymologies of Food, Beverages, and Pants

| June 7, 2019

So many English words are derived from words from other languages. Things like cappuccino make sense–we know that’s an Italian word when we see it. But jeans? You’d think that’s one of the most quintessentially American words there is. Guess again. It’s Italian too! This article gives the etymologies of eight words, some of which […]

Fun for Friday: June 2019 Writing Prompts

| May 31, 2019

May flew by just about as quickly as April did, but instead of May flowers, we’ve got June 2019 writing prompts. This month’s prompts are randomly generated, which should lead to some fun and interesting ideas! Check back on the last Friday of each month (or occasionally the first day of a new month, when […]

Fun for Friday: Another Three Images

| May 24, 2019

It’s time for another batch of images to potentially inspire a story or some other piece of writing! This week, we’ve got: A microscopic view of a multi-colored object with three roughly equal segments topped with a much smaller segment. A dark haired woman in profile, wearing heavy black eye makeup and black lipstick, smirking […]

Fun For Friday: Writing Workouts!

| May 17, 2019

If you’re looking for a quick writing workout, check out this list of six 10-minute writing workouts you can try! Some of them lend themselves well to writing longer pieces, while others just flex your writing muscles as a warm-up to doing some different sort of writing. There are a lot of great ideas contained […]

Fun for Friday: A Person, A Place, and A Thing

| May 10, 2019

I’ve got another trio of images for this week’s Fun for Friday: a person, a place, and a thing. What sort of poem or story can you turn them into?

Fun for Friday: Seattle Etymology

| May 3, 2019

The Etymology Nerd is a fantastic site for those of us who love etymology and infographics! Here, you can find a BUNCH of etymology infographics, with a focus on place names in cities. But there are plenty of other etymology infographics too, dealing with a wide variety of topics. I particularly like this infographic with […]

Fun for Friday: May 2019 Writing Prompts

| April 26, 2019

I’m not entirely sure how it’s nearly May already, especially with how slowly the first few months of this year went. But here we are, and here are my May 2019 writing prompts. This month’s prompts are randomly generated, which should lead to some fun and interesting ideas! Check back on the last Friday of each […]

Fun for Friday: Fantasy Plot Generator

| April 19, 2019

Some days, you just need something out of the ordinary to get your story moving. If you’re having one of those days, check out the Warpcore SF: Fantasy Plot Generator. Some of the things it comes up with are more ridiculous than useful, but sometimes those ridiculous elements can coalesce into something interesting! The scope […]