History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Three Stories Out Now!

| October 9, 2018

Three of my stories have come out since the beginning of October, so here’s a round up post to point you to all three! “At Least No One Else Will Suffer” is in the October 2018 issue of Factor Four Magazine. This is a flash fiction piece about an evil king getting what’s coming to him. […]

Just Write

| September 17, 2018

I’ve spent the weekend working on a flash fiction story for a contest. The contest gives an assigned genre, location, and object, and when I read the ones I had been assigned, I groaned. It was a genre that I don’t write, read, or really enjoy. And that was a problem for me trying to […]

August 2018 recap!

| September 4, 2018

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 31 Acceptances received: 2 Rejections received: 26 Stories withdrawn: 1 Resubmissions: 27 New Submissions: 3 Stories out at the end of the month: 32 August has been a busy month. I’ve had two story acceptances! I haven’t signed the contract for one of them, […]

Flash Fiction

| August 28, 2018

I was on a panel about flash fiction at SpoCon with several other authors and editors of flash fiction. We differentiated between flash fiction and vignettes, talked about the difficulties of distilling ideas down to something suitable for flash fiction, and the various markets and awards (or lack thereof, in many cases) for flash-length work. […]

Volatile Figments: Ghosts and Things that Go Bump in the Night

| October 12, 2017

While only one of the stories in Volatile Figments features a ghost character, several of the stories are about unusual things that go bump in the night, like the servants of elder gods and entities that may or may not be muses. “One for Every Year” is told from the perspective of an ageless ghost […]

Podcast Version of “One for Every Year”

| July 18, 2017

My slightly creepy flash fiction story, “One for Every Year,” now has an audio version! You can find it at The Centropic Oracle. Since it’s such a short story, it only takes about 7 minutes for the whole thing, so it’s great for a quick break in your day!

Stories for Your Reading Enjoyment!

| June 29, 2017

Every once in a while, I check all of the websites where my stories have been published to see what’s still out there for free. This is useful stuff for when I’m selling reprints, but today’s round-up also means that I’ve got a stack of links for my readers! As a note, several of these […]

August 2015 recap

| August 31, 2015

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 18 Acceptances received: 2 Rejections received: 15 Stories withdrawn: 0 Resubmissions: 17 New Submissions: 0 Stories out at the end of the month: 18 The numbers this month are oddly symmetrical, and yet not. I got word of two story acceptances: “Veli tis Artemidos” (a reprint) will be […]

New story up!

| March 9, 2015

I mentioned a couple of months ago that I had gotten an acceptance for one of my stories, but I hadn’t announced it formally yet. Now that its available, here’s the announcement! My flash fiction story, “One for Every Year,” is in the March issue of Fantastic Stories of the Imagination. While the story is marginally horror/dark […]

Flash Piece: Green Lung

| March 1, 2011

It occurred to me earlier today that one of my stories is available online. (It also occurred to me that I should add it to my publications list!) This story was one that I worked on, in two very different versions, for quite a while. I submitted one version of the story to one venue, […]