History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

February 2021 Recap

| March 4, 2021

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 192 Acceptances received: 4 Rejections received: 73 (+1) Stories withdrawn: 7 Resubmissions: 102 New Submissions: 5 Stories out at the end of the month: 213 Pretty happy with my numbers for February, as I continue to sell pieces and get new pieces done, and […]

Fun for Friday: February 2021 Prompts

| January 29, 2021

For February’s writing prompts, I’ve got a collection of randomly generated words, put into a random order. Don’t feel like you need to use the specific word I’ve listed in your piece (though you can if you like). Feel free to play around with word association, or just use these words as a jumping off […]

February 2020 Recap

| March 3, 2020

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 159 Acceptances received: 3 Rejections received: 86 Stories withdrawn: 3 (+2) Resubmissions: 79 New Submissions: 1 Stories out at the end of the month: 144 February was slightly slower than normal on the number of rejections I received and the number of resubmissions that […]

Fun for Friday: February 2020 Writing Prompts!

| January 31, 2020

January has flown by, and we’re reaching February! It’s a 29-day February this year, and I’m definitely going to be taking advantage of that extra day! Most of the words for this month are themed to the season, but there are also a good handful of really random things, so that you can have some […]

Fun for Friday: February 2019 Writing Prompts

| February 1, 2019

As January winds to a close, it’s time to start looking at writing prompts for February! For this year, I’ve still got some love-themed prompts, but I’m also taking some in very different directions. As always, use your own interpretation of the prompts! Check back on the last Friday of each month (or occasionally the […]

Fun for Friday: The Etymology of February

| February 2, 2018

Did you know that originally, February didn’t even exist as a month? And that the Roman god Februus is named after a Roman festival from which the month takes its name, not the other way around? If you’re interested in word origins, check out this article about the origins of the name of the second […]

Fun for Friday: February Writing Prompts

| January 26, 2018

As January winds to a close, it’s time to start looking at writing prompts for February. There are a lot of love-related things for this month, but you don’t have to make them part of a romantic story or poem. In fact, it could be interesting to flip some of them to their darker sides. […]