dawn.vogel | September 15, 2020
Unfixed Timelines 2 is out today, with six short stories, one poem, and seven essays about the real history that inspired each of the stories! This volume of stories includes: “Nochnaya Serenada” (reprint) and an essay about the history of the Night Witches “Have You Seen Him?” and an essay about the historical connections between […]
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Tags: alternate history, fantastical history, unfixed timelines 2
dawn.vogel | September 1, 2020
Much like when I published the first Unfixed Timelines, the cover art for Unfixed Timelines 2 is also a mashup of historical images related to the stories within this collection. Astute observers might recognize a couple of the Romanov Princesses, though most of the other images are fairly obscure (and obscured). While Unfixed Timelines 2 will be, like […]
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Tags: alternate history, fantastical history, Historical Fantasy, unfixed timelines 2
dawn.vogel | July 23, 2020
I’ve written and revised the essays for Unfixed Timelines 2, so I now feel pretty confident telling you about what this collection will include. The order remains to be determined, but the stories and essay topics are: “Nochnaya Serenada” (reprint) and an essay about the history of the Night Witches “Have You Seen Him?” and […]
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Tags: alternate history, essays, fantastical history, unfixed timelines 2
dawn.vogel | May 19, 2020
I’ve started doing some of the research for the essays to accompany my stories in Unfixed Timelines II, my second collection of short stories (and one poem) of alternate history and fantastical history. The first volume had five stories and essays, and it looks like the second volume should have a couple more than that (though […]
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Tags: alternate history, fantastical history, unfixed timelines 2
dawn.vogel | April 20, 2020
If you’re writing alternate history, historical fiction, or even fantastical history, check out Historic Cities as a great source of historical maps. The primary page makes it look a little Eurocentric, but if you click through to the list of city names, you’ll see maps for non-European countries as well!
Category: Advice |
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Tags: advice, alternate history, fantastical history, Historical Fiction, maps, resources
dawn.vogel | December 26, 2019
One of the stories in my fantasy collection, Denizens of Distant Realms, began life as a fantastical history story. “Dry Spell” was originally about an enslaved Romani woman living in colonial Virginia during an extensive drought. Based on the research I had done, this scenario was plausible–there were Romani slaves in the American colonies, and there […]
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Tags: Denizens of Distant Realms, dry spell, fantastical history, fantasy, secondary world