History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Have You Checked Out Unfixed Timelines 3 and Omnibus?

| November 23, 2023

Have you checked out Unfixed Timelines 3 or the Unfixed Timelines Omnibus yet? The former contains seven stories and one poem, along with essays explaining the history that each piece twists, while the latter collects the first three volumes (more than 20 stories and poems, along with their essays) into one book. Here’s the blurb […]

Unfixed Timelines 3 and Omnibus Out Today!

| October 17, 2023

Today is the release day for both Unfixed Timelines 3 and Unfixed Timelines Omnibus. The former includes seven stories and poem, some of which have been previously published, along with essays that explain the history that each piece is twisting or referencing. The latter collects the first three volumes of Unfixed Timelines into a single volume, allowing it […]

Unfixed Timelines 3 and Omnibus Available for Pre-Order!

| September 12, 2023

On October 17, I’ll have two new books out! Unfixed Timelines 3 is the third in my series of alternate/fantastical history stories accompanied by essays about the history that each story alters. A Wild West icon meets her match, a budding scientist tests a theory in a dust storm, fashion turns deadly, a daughter learns the […]

Superhero and World War II Veteran Sarah Castile in Sure Shot in Las Capas

| April 27, 2023

“When you’re washing the dinner dishes, you’re not expecting an explosion. Unless you’re me, in which case you’re more surprised to discover said explosion wasn’t directed at you.” Sarah Castile, part of the Cobalt City Castile family that takes up the mantle of The Huntsman, is a superhero mostly by dint of having gotten out […]

My Historical Fiction Publications, New, Old, and Coming This Year!

| January 24, 2023

I’ve got one recent historical fiction publication out recently. My story “Memento Mori” appeared in Queer Weird West Tales and tells a potential story about a weird bit of trivia related to Calamity Jane! I’ve published a lot of my fantastical history stories in Unfixed Timelines and Unfixed Timelines 2. Later this year, I plan to publish the third […]

Review of Weave the Lightning by Corry L. Lee

| September 14, 2022

Corry L. Lee’s Weave the Lightning (Solaris, 2020) is a gorgeous beginning to a series about dangerous magic, totalitarian government, and finding love in spite of the odds. With many parallels to Russian and Eastern European countries and governments in the early twentieth century, the story feels like an alternate history-inspired fantasy world. The main characters, […]

Reading Alternate History

| June 30, 2022

My published alternate history (which I prefer to call fantastical history) can primarily be found in two collections: Unfixed Timelines and Unfixed Timelines 2. Both of these collections include stories along with brief essays on the history that inspired them. I’ve got plans for an eventual third volume in this series, and at that point, I plan […]

Unfixed Timelines 2 Complete on Channillo

| March 22, 2022

Have you checked out Unfixed Timelines 2 on Channillo? At this point, the entire book has been posted! You just need a Channillo subscription to read my stories and essays, and you can read other books there as well! A Russian pilot using a bit of magic and music to rescue her compatriot. The family impacts […]

My Brand New Newsletter!

| January 31, 2022

I’ve just launched the sign-ups for a brand-new author newsletter that will come out monthly. In it, I’ll talk about what I’m up to, interesting history and research things I’ve found, what’s coming next, and recommendations for other books and writing you might enjoy if you like mine! If you sign up, you also get […]

Unfixed Timelines 2 on Channillo

| January 20, 2022

Have you checked out Unfixed Timelines 2 on Channillo? Each Tuesday, I’m publishing a story or essay related to the historical elements of the story there. You just need a Channillo subscription to read my stories and essays, and you can read other books there as well! A Russian pilot using a bit of magic and […]