History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

New Spooky Pieces

| June 13, 2024

If you like to read spookier pieces, here’s some of my recent horror and dark publications! Unfixed Timelines 3 includes several historical fiction pieces with darker themes, including “Charcoals from an Unidentified Chicago Artist” and “Green-Eyed Phantom.” Though neither of these are horror, they definitely delve into the darker side of history and fiction. My […]

Sure Shot in Las Capas: The Case of the Absent Star

| May 28, 2024

Have you checked out Sure Shot in Las Capas: The Case of the Absent Star? It’s my superheroes in an alternate 1950s Hollywood setting, adjacent to the Cobalt City Universe. This mystery novella follows Sarah Castile, who operated as the European Huntsman during and after World War II, in her new home as she takes on […]

“Áftharto Sóma” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| May 23, 2024

My story “Áftharto Sóma” was inspired by a theme of “dissection” for a monthly flash fiction writing prompt. It involved research into the historical practice of dissection in the British colonies in North America and the early United States (among other locations and time periods, as I searched for the right one). After coming across […]

Don’t forget about my newsletter

| May 21, 2024

Are you subscribed to my newsletter? It comes out once a month, near the middle of the month. In it, I talk about what I’m up to, sometimes interesting history and research things I’ve found, what’s coming next, and recommendations for other books and writing you might enjoy if you like mine! If you sign […]

Review of Off-Time Jive by A.Z. Louise

| May 15, 2024

A.Z. Louise’s Off-Time Jive (Neon Hemlock, 2023) is a gorgeous fantastical history, detective novella with fascinating characters and a great twist at the end! Set in an alternate version of the Harlem Renaissance, the story weaves deftly between magical dark academia and everyday people going about their lives. The main character, Bessie Knox (who mostly goes […]

“Green-Eyed Phantom” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| April 23, 2024

“Green-Eyed Phantom” combines three of my favorite things to write–historical fiction, young characters, and siblings. It’s a story in which two pre-teen sisters attend a Civil War soldiers’ reunion with their parents and encounter something unexpected. I based the setting on the many, many old newspaper articles I read about these Civil War soldiers’ reunions […]

“Eyes of Fire, Eyes of Smoke” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| March 19, 2024

“Eyes of Fire, Eyes of Smoke” was a story that started with the title. I combined that with the idea of writing a story about a legendary monster not often seen in fiction, the pishtaco or kharisiri of Andean legends. With that figured out, I went from there to write a historical fantasy story about […]

Are You Subscribed to My Newsletter?

| February 15, 2024

Are you subscribed to my newsletter? It comes out once a month, near the middle of the month. In it, I talk about what I’m up to, interesting history and research things I’ve found, what’s coming next, and recommendations for other books and writing you might enjoy if you like mine! If you sign up, […]

“The Experiment” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| February 1, 2024

“The Experiment” is a very brief flash fiction piece in which a young girl conducts a magical experiment during the Dust Bowl era, much to her mother’s chagrin. I can’t say much more than that without giving too much  of the story away. If you’re not familiar with the Dust Bowl era, you can check […]

“Memento Mori” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| January 11, 2024

“Memento Mori” is an unusual combination of the Old West and science fantasy. It’s a story about Calamity Jane, Wild Bill Hickok, and aliens, and it purports a history that isn’t even remotely true. But all that being said, it’s based on some real history, so it fits perfectly into Unfixed Timelines 3. This story was […]