History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Monthly News from History That Never Was

| February 13, 2025

If you’d prefer to get your news from me in a once-a-month, digestible format, you should subscribe to my newsletter! In it, I talk about what I’ve been working on, interesting history and research rabbit holes, what’s coming next from me, and recommendations for other books and writing you might enjoy! If you sign up, […]

Newsletter Subscribers Get a Free Story!

| December 12, 2024

Are you subscribed to my newsletter? It comes out once a month, near the middle of the month. In it, I talk about what I’m up to, interesting history or other research rabbit holes I’ve gone down, what’s coming next, and recommendations for other books and writing you might enjoy if you like mine! If […]

Weird History in Unfixed Timelines Omnibus

| October 31, 2024

Unfixed Timelines Omnibus collects three volumes of my fantastical and weird history stories and poetry, along with essays explaining the real history that I altered into fictional versions of history. The stories and essays touch on the Veiled Prophet from St. Louis in the nineteenth century (a weird mix of a civic organization with racist […]

My Historical Fiction from Last Year

| September 19, 2024

I haven’t posted a summary of my historical fiction for a while, in part because there hasn’t been much to post. But last October, I released Unfixed Timelines 3 and Unfixed Timelines Omnibus. The former includes seven stories and one poem, several of which were previously published, along with essays about the history I altered […]

“Death, in a Fashion” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| August 29, 2024

Unfixed Timelines 3 included one poem, “Death, in a Fashion.” This poem was inspired by my knowledge about fashion trends that are detrimental to the environment and the human body, as a result of the chemicals they use in production or extraction (or the byproducts of those). It dances through time, including arsenic green, radium […]

Check Out My Newsletter!

| August 15, 2024

Are you subscribed to my newsletter? It comes out once a month, near the middle of the month. In it, I talk about what I’m up to, interesting history or other research rabbit holes I’ve gone down, what’s coming next, and recommendations for other books and writing you might enjoy if you like mine! If […]

Guest Post: Queering the Regency by Natania Barron

| August 12, 2024

Today I have a guest post from Natania Barron, author of Netherford Hall, which she summarizes as “Pride and Prejudice and Witches,” but which also is a sapphic Regency-era tale! So I asked Natania to talk a little about queer folks (particularly women) during the Regency for her guest post today! ~ Queering the Regency As […]

“Charcoals from an Unidentified Chicago Artist” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| July 23, 2024

Most people are familiar with the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 (the one allegedly started by a cow), but Chicago is a city that has been plagued with substantial fires throughout its history. While other cities have certain had their fair share of fires as well, Chicago celebrated their recovery from the 1871 fire with […]

Historians on History at WriteHive Online Conference

| July 8, 2024

Another panel I was on at the WriteHive Online Conference was Historians on History. With a couple of other historians, archivists, and writers of historical fiction, we talked about doing research for our historical stories and how to avoid certain pitfalls of research rabbit holes (not always successful) and how to deal with difficult history […]

“Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” in Unfixed Timelines 3

| June 27, 2024

My theme for stories this week is apparently Norway, as my fantastical history short story “Desperate and Rebellious Hearts” is set in Norway, far to the north in Vardo. I started this story with research about the Vardo witch trials in the seventeenth century, and while the witch in my story isn’t on trial, she’s […]