History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: Legend Etymology for Stories and Maps?

| March 14, 2025

Why do maps include something called a legend, and how does that connect to the idea of legends as stories? The etymology of “legend” is tied to the Latin word “legere,” which means “to read.” Unsurprisingly, this connects to things like legibility. It’s also connected to “lex” and “lectus,” which connects to things like lexicon […]

Fun for Friday: The Connection Between Cult and Culture

| February 21, 2025

I work alongside archaeologists in the cultural resources management field, which means I see the word “culture” a lot. And I couldn’t help but notice, as I was typing it, that “cult” is the first four letters of that word. So I figured there must be a connection! There is, and it makes a lot […]

Fun for Friday: Etymology of Words about … Words

| January 10, 2025

Have you ever wondered about the etymology of the words we use for … words about talking? Useless Etymology has, and they wrote a brief post about the etymology of jargon, jabber, and gibberish, which are related to one another. It’s fascinating to me to see the way these words are related and how they […]

Fun for Friday: Winter Etymology

| December 20, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered about the etymology of the word “winter,” look no further! This article at Dictionary.com explains it all! As a bonus, you can also read about the origin of December, which may be better known among some. But there are also some additional names that the month went by before it reached […]

Fun for Friday: Etymology of Electric

| November 15, 2024

It’s always fun when you learn the etymology of a word that is a little bit surprising. Did you know the word electric is related to the Latin word for amber? This post at Useless Etymology explains the connection. It involves magnetism and cats, so of course I was intrigued! Will it work its way […]

Fun for Friday: Is a Sandwich a Taco?

| October 11, 2024

As a big fan of the Cube Rule, I’m entertained by pretty much all attempts to classify (and sometimes misclassify) food items as different types of food items. Like, for example, Pop Tarts being a sweet ravioli (or ravioli being a savory Pop Tart, depending who you ask). So Is a Sandwich a Taco? is […]

Fun for Friday: Etymology of “Dude”

| August 16, 2024

For this week’s Fun for Friday, check out this article about the etymology of the word “dude“! The article also explores the idea of “macaronic language,” which is not a term I was familiar with prior to this article. But it’s interesting how it’s connected to both the way “dude” came about AND the connection […]

Fun for Friday: Etymology of Summer in Multiple Languages

| June 14, 2024

As we approach the summer solstice, I’m thinking about the words for summer in different languages and how those came to be! Check out this article on the origins of summer from Dynamic Language!  

Fun for Friday: A Bunch of Etymology!

| April 19, 2024

If you’re curious about the etymology of a bunch of fairly common words, check out this article from Mental Floss! There are a ton of words there, and some of them might surprise you! You might also be inspired by this etymology to write something related to the origin of one of these words, so […]

Fun for Friday: Interesting Etymology

| March 15, 2024

Looking for some fun facts to share at your next awkward icebreaker? How about the etymology of the word “awkward”? Find that and fourteen other words in this article about interesting word origins!