History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Denizens of Distant Realms: Stormbringer

| November 28, 2019

My short story, “Stormbringer,” which is available in Denizens of Distant Realms, started out with several very strong visuals. I pictured an orchard at harvest time, a dark-haired man in a white suit, and a rainy night on a farmhouse porch. I pieced those together with a bit of created mythology I wanted to play […]

“We Have Not Always Been Small” in Denizens of Distant Realms

| October 24, 2019

A while back, there was a meme I saw of a small black cat attacking the ocean, at least until the ocean “attacked” back in the form of surf. The text said something about cats forgetting that they’re not dragons anymore. That was the inspiration for “We Have Not Always Been Small,” a story that […]

“A Dark Place” in Denizens of Distant Realms

| September 24, 2019

“A Dark Place” was the first story I sold at semi-pro rates, back in 2014. At that time, it was the most money I’d ever been paid for one of my stories. It originally appeared in a magazine called Fictionvale (which has since closed up shop), and it later reappeared in Disturbed Digest in 2016. This story […]

Don’t Forget: Denizens of Distant Realms is Available!

| August 29, 2019

If you haven’t already checked it out, the ebook and print versions of my collection, Denizens of Distant Realms, are both available now! So whether you prefer to read on a screen or on paper, I’ve got you covered! I’ll be posting about the various stories that appear in this collection in the coming months, so […]

Denizens of Distant Realms out now!

| August 20, 2019

My new collection of short fantasy stories is out today, entitled Denizens of Distant Realms. All six of the stories presented here could take place in the same world, or they could take place in six different worlds. In Denizens of Distant Realms, fantastical things intertwine in half a dozen fantasy short stories. Dragons and […]

Don’t Forget to Check Out My Patreon

| August 8, 2019

Have you checked out my Patreon lately? It’s a way for my fans to throw a small amount of money my way to support my writing! I’m getting close to my first goal, which involves a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer piece! So if I […]

Release Date for Denizens of Distant Realms

| July 25, 2019

Denizens of Distant Realms, my next collection of short stories, will be out on August 20, 2019! It will be available in ebook and print formats, featuring a cover by the awesome Leigh Legler, who jumped at the opportunity to draw me some fantasy critters! Leigh was able to get me a quick sketch of […]

Coming Soon: Denizens of Distant Realms

| July 4, 2019

I’m getting ready to launch my next short story collection, which will be called Denizens of Distant Realms, and feature six of my secondary world (meaning set in worlds that are definitely not our own) fantasy short stories. Within its pages, you’ll find dragons, cats, witches, magical items, demons, and, of course, mermaids. I’ll have a […]