dawn.vogel | March 20, 2024
We’ve been publishing a whole bunch of new books lately through DefCon One Publishing. Of course, that’s the home of my books, but we also publish books from the Cobalt City Universe from several authors, and this year, we’ve got a ton of those! It’s the twentieth anniversary of creator Nate Crowder publishing his first […]
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Tags: cobalt city, defcon one publishing, small press publishing
dawn.vogel | February 23, 2024
It’s time for some more prompts from the DefCon One Instagram account! Write a piece about a new beginning. Write a piece about a scarf that has emotional resonance with its maker. Write a piece involving folklore from a place you or your family has lived. Follow the DefCon One Instagram account for writing prompts every other […]
Category: For Fun |
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Tags: defcon one publishing, fun for friday, instagram, writing prompts
dawn.vogel | January 12, 2024
It’s time for some more prompts from the DefCon One Instagram account! Write a piece in which the characters are thankful for something. Write a piece in which unexpected cold weather has forced a change of plans. Write a piece in which someone receives a gift. Follow the DefCon One Instagram account for writing prompts every other […]
Category: For Fun |
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Tags: defcon one publishing, fun for friday, instagram, writing prompts
dawn.vogel | November 10, 2023
It’s time for some more prompts from the DefCon One Instagram account! Write a piece about a group of bats preparing for Halloween shenanigans. Write a piece about classic monsters preparing to do something that isn’t traditional for them. Write a piece in which autumn (the season) is a character. Follow the DefCon One Instagram account for […]
Category: For Fun |
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Tags: defcon one publishing, fun for friday, instagram, writing prompts
dawn.vogel | October 13, 2023
It’s time for some more prompts from the DefCon One Instagram account! Write a piece about an overheard conversation. Write a piece about an animal with unusual characteristics. Write a piece about an atypical battle between good and evil. Follow the DefCon One Instagram account for writing prompts every other Friday, or check them out when I […]
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Tags: defcon one publishing, fun for friday, instagram, writing prompts
dawn.vogel | September 15, 2023
It’s time for some more prompts from the DefCon One Instagram account! Write a piece where music impacts the outcome. Write a piece set in the 1980s. Write a piece about a plant with unusual characteristics. Follow the DefCon One Instagram account for writing prompts every other Friday, or check them out when I post them here!
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Tags: defcon one publishing, fun for friday, instagram, writing prompts
dawn.vogel | August 18, 2023
Apparently, I forgot to keep the DefCon One Instagram account prompts on my blog schedule, so I’ve fallen behind. But now, they’re back! Write a piece in which you describe things without using the sense of sight Write a piece about two people putting furniture with a subtext of something else going on between them. […]
Category: For Fun |
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Tags: defcon one publishing, fun for friday, instagram, writing prompts
dawn.vogel | November 23, 2021
Since DefCon One Publishing isn’t doing any shows this holiday season, or for the foreseeable future, we’re now offering selected signed books via Etsy! The majority of the books we have available are things I’ve edited, and we don’t have any of my releases from 2020 or 2021 on hand. But if you’ve always wanted […]
Category: Announcements, Publishing |
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Tags: defcon one publishing, gift, holidays, signed books, signings
dawn.vogel | September 28, 2021
DefCon One Publishing has a new anthology out today, the first in five years from the authors of Cobalt City. Cobalt City Dragonstorm is a collection of five short stories featuring superheroes (and supervillains) fighting dragons from other dimensions. My story in this collection is “Dead Souls,” featuring the team-up of Dulcamara, Terra Firma, and […]
Category: Announcements, Publishing |
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Tags: affiliate link, anthology, cobalt city, Cobalt City Dragonstorm, Dead Souls, defcon one publishing, dragons, superheroes
dawn.vogel | August 19, 2020
You may know that my books are published by DefCon One Publishing, but I’m not the only author published there. Aside from all the back issues of Mad Scientist Journal and the Mad Scientist Journal Presents anthologies, authors, Amanda Cherry, Nathan Crowder, Erik Scott de Bie, and Jeremy Zimmerman all have books through DefCon One Publishing. The […]
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Tags: defcon one publishing