Off on an Adventure!
dawn.vogel | July 29, 2019
We’re off on an adventure at the moment, so I don’t have any writing advice to offer this week. I’m looking forward to a little time off from writing and to be reenergized when I’m back!
dawn.vogel | July 29, 2019
We’re off on an adventure at the moment, so I don’t have any writing advice to offer this week. I’m looking forward to a little time off from writing and to be reenergized when I’m back!
dawn.vogel | June 17, 2019
Its been a busy weekend with Washington State Summer Convention, so I don’t have much in the way of advice to offer. Other than that sometimes, taking a day off to rest after you’ve been really busy is the best plan in the world!
dawn.vogel | April 8, 2019
Spent another weekend under the weather, which means I’m behind on a whole lot of things. Regular posts will resume tomorrow. I think I’ve had my fair share of illness this year now!
dawn.vogel | March 11, 2019
I’ve spent this past weekend sick with a cold, which means I’m a little behind on a few things, including blog posts with real substance. Check back tomorrow for your regularly scheduled posting to resume.
dawn.vogel | December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas! While we don’t celebrate Christmas in an entirely traditional way, we still have our own traditions. We drink hot cocoa and eat cookies on Christmas Eve while we read some books, and we see a movie on Christmas Day, possibly with Thai food (since I can’t eat most Chinese food). Regardless of how […]
dawn.vogel | September 3, 2018
It’s nice to have a long weekend, both in terms of relaxation and productivity. I’m spending the day working on a bunch of projects, but I’m sure I’ll get some vegging time in too. Hope everyone else is enjoying Labor Day, in whatever way you prefer!
dawn.vogel | August 13, 2018
I’m back from SpoCon, and I’ll talk more about my experiences there in the coming weeks. But for now, I’m settling back into the day to day grind, enjoying the relatively clear air here, and definitely relishing the cooler temperatures of Western Washington. Spokane is a cute little place, but it’s much too high desert […]
dawn.vogel | April 2, 2018
I’m back from Norwescon, and I’m working on getting my head around all of the things I saw and did while I was there. There will be posts about that soon, but for today, I’m trying to have a bit of a quieter day, despite needing to catch up on a great many things!
dawn.vogel | March 14, 2018
We’re off to have an adventure for a few days with some of my dearest friends. I’ve got posts set up so you can be entertained while I’m otherwise occupied. I doubt I’ll get much writing done, but it’ll be nice to give my brain a few days of recharging!
dawn.vogel | January 15, 2018
Though the picture to the right isn’t my actual view today, I’m taking a bit of a break from my usual posting schedule after a weekend at Rustycon. I’ll be back to the grind tomorrow. But for today, I’m imagining being off on some tropical island and getting in some well-deserved relaxation!